New to Food Plots

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Greetings all!

I have just purchased a small 9 acre wooded piece of land. It borders public hunting land but not many sources of food nearby.

I am brand new to the idea of making a food plot. Can you offer any great websites for me to learn? I think 1 acre is large, but again that's inexperience talking. There are deer, turkey & black bear that go through. I'm going for the deer & turkey. Any help would be greatly appreciate.

Thank you!

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As far as equipment, I do not own a thing. However, I know it is not as simple as using a shovel. I am more interested in an irregular shaped food plot (I think a natural looking food plot will look great).

I bought land along an atv route, so I will be getting one of those and working my way up with the extra equipment needed. First step is to begin clearing trees in certain areas and start marking areas with the most sunlight. As far as developing the land and begin planting, I would say at least Spring 2010.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You will have to stick to no plow options for seed. Carving plots out of the woods is tough but worth it. Unless your ground is sandy or black dirt a four wheeler won't be enough to chew up the ground. Talk to a local farmer if possible... any site that sells seed makes it seem like an afternoon project and that is not the case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sorry, last post was not to discourage. when I started two years ago I was just like you. As long as you are not afraid to work, it will be a success for you. Feel free to ask any questions along the way. the forums are more than helpful. You have specific questions, i have extensive experience carving food plots out of the woods... as none of my land was ever pasture.

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