Flextone Buck Collector Deer Call


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Anyone pick one of these up yet? I seem to be a "collector" of deer calls:hammer1:, every time one comes out that catches my eye, I go out and get it and give it a try. . Now Flextone and the bone collector crew and came up with this one. It looks pretty neat, and has a few different sounds. You can do various grunts, growls, it has the snort wheeze, and on the top there are little "buttons" marked F and D for a fawn bleat and doe bleat. I watched the video on it and they all sound pretty good. I'll probably pick one up in the next week or two and give it a whirl.

Here is a link to the instructional video:

Anyone pick one up yet? what do you think of it?

Edited by Michiganbowhunter_SQ2
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flextone Buck Collector.

I picked one of these up yesterday at Wal-Mart for 15 bucks (before tax) and its amazing. sounds much more natural and real than any other call on the market. I think that with this call people will see and manipulate more game and have more success than hunters with other calls, purely for the fact that it sounds better and you don't have to move around as much because all the sounds are in ONE call. its cylindrical so you can put in right in your vest or coat and pull it out with one hand as needed. the only thing i don't like about it is that the buttons for Fawn and Doe are semi hard to push, especially when its about 30-45 degrees outside as it was lastnight during my bow hunt. i think they should integrate a small nubbin on the bottom of the button so it hits easier without pressing so hard

all in all, i love it and i'd recommend picking one up :gun1:

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