I don't know about you but I'm heartbroken


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While it is sad to feel this way since he does have a grieving family, I can't help but wonder about that family of the girl that drowned in his car back whenever that was. How he got away with that BS is beyond me

Think that just goes to show sometimes who you are or who you know matters more than what you do. Surely should not be that way, but somehow it is.

Feel sorry for his family in their loss.

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I'll always think of him as the guy who most likely got away with DUI manslaughter and STILL had the nerve to run for the highest office in the land. EVEN if he was sober, and tried everything in his power to save the girl, it still takes some kinda stones to do that.

R.I.P. Mary Joe......

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I feel sorry for the people that loved him...

It would be interesting to sit in on the conversation that God is having with ol' Teddy right now about the way he lived his life and the very unethical and in moral things he did. None of us are perfect, one can only hope he repented and was truly sorry for the many bad choices he made. If not, I am sure he is sorry now, if so he is lucky we have such a loving and forgiving God. I will not miss the man and I'm happy he can no longer do any more damage to our Constitution.

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