Hoyt Ultra-tec


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Its a sad sad day guys, I'm selling my 05 Ultra-tec. This thing is the bow that I wanted for a long long time but its time to let it go. I never even got to shoot the thing!!!!!!!:bummed:

Its a 2005 Ultra-tec

2000XT limbs

55-65 lbs!!!!!!!! (this is what I really like about it)

27.5" spiral cams.

Camo color.

Comes with NEW NEVER SHOT strings from a private string maker in Canda.

I will ship it anywhere in the US for $400

I'm going to go cry now.

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I was going to get pics of it today but the camera some how got broken!:crutch:. No the spiral cam is draw specific. I hate to get rid of it and but I have 5 bows and this one is not being used. Like I had posted, I have NEVER shot this bow, not even one arrow has been flung out of this bow by me. The previous owner bought it for a back up bow and NEVER EVER took it out in the timber.

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