Scared of the dark?


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I believe anyone who says there not scared is full of it! lol

One morning me and the ol' man were just getting to our elk spot. We always bugled at the head of a huge canyon about 30 mins before light to see if we could get any locators. We get out of the truck gear up and head to our usual point to try to entice something. I take a deep breath and get ready to let one out when a freakin mountain lion screams 200 yrds below us! I don't know how many of you have heard a lion scream but its easily one of the most creepiest things i've heard in the woods. bloody murder!

Great stories guys, keep 'em coming

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I believe anyone who says there not scared is full of it! lol

Really?? O.K.

Dark does not bother me at all. I see quite well in all but total darkness and I've been running over these hills in the dark by myself since I was 11 or 12 years old when I started to trap on my own.

I do have to admit I stay a bit concerned that I may run across a mean bear or bears in the dark.........get in too close before either of us realizes it. It's happened in the daylight. I'd rather it not happen in the dark. I just try to be equipped to handle such a mishap.

But as for plain fear of the night..........naw. I generally only even use a light to walk on the very darkest night or if I'm worried about a stick in the eye or a hole in the ground.

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I'm with ya! Looks like you just uncovered the softer side of all us hunters! We have one spot on the farm that we call the "Sherwood Forest." It's basically a logging road that is enclosed in trees and is really dark at night. Every time we walk through it, it feels like eyes are looking at us from the trees, thus the name Sherwood Forest.

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I use a light going to and from my stand also,more during rifle season than bowseason though. I bought one of those streamlight stylus with the green light so others can see me and it won't spook game or hurt my vision when turning it off,it seems to be Enough light for trips to and from the stand exspecialy with the magnifier lens. I do have my streamlight stinger within close reach just incase the need arises for me to have to light up the woods.

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Really?? O.K.

Dark does not bother me at all. I see quite well in all but total darkness and I've been running over these hills in the dark by myself since I was 11 or 12 years old when I started to trap on my own.

I do have to admit I stay a bit concerned that I may run across a mean bear or bears in the dark.........get in too close before either of us realizes it. It's happened in the daylight. I'd rather it not happen in the dark. I just try to be equipped to handle such a mishap.

But as for plain fear of the night..........naw. I generally only even use a light to walk on the very darkest night or if I'm worried about a stick in the eye or a hole in the ground.

I like that reply:)

I suppose after dissapearing in the woods for weeks on end will take alot of the unexpected heeebie-jeeeebies out of the equation. Living under bridges, rundown abandoned houses with no electric or heat, behind headstones in cemetaries, and grabbing the bug-out -bag to hit the woods to avoid a situation will do that to ya.

Everything that is out there to get'cha at night is there durring daylight too often with a bigger plan than just eating you.

Truth is, I look forward to darkness falling even without a beaming light to shine my way. Not the safest practice to traverse about the bush in the dark but with a little prepparation beforehand, creating light and heat is quite simple even though they are not considered survival necessities.

Tune your other sences. Think, be patient, move slowly,listen, smell and feel. Be aware and don't over react to a situation that may end up in a self inflicted avoidable hunting accident.

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I get spooked every now and again when im walkin to my stand in the mornins. I've seen quite a few bobcats but when i really get spooked is when im huntin in the hills n hollers cuz theres been quite a few mountain lion sightins round here and a couple red wolves to. The thought of being attackd by one of them kinda freaks ne the heck out so when im huntin in the hills i keep a blade on my side so its handy to get to

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i got the worst case of "Scared of the dark". I look like a disco light going around in the woods, because im allways looking all around me. I walk with a 1 million spotlight to my treestand for freak sakes.

I had a beaver take off beside me the other night while walking back to the truck after bear hunting. I was pretty sure i was gonna have some brown marks :D

I'm with ya on that one! only instead of a beaver it was a grouse flushing! lol:clown:

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I don't think that I am all that scared out in the woods. However, especially early in the season with Mr. No-Shoulders crawling around, I am definitely more comfortable and at ease once I am up in my treestand.

During the November gun season, I am much more comfortable...less chance of Mr. No-Shoulders making an appearance (though I did kill a 5 1/2 foot Timber Rattlesnake in mid-November 25 years ago while gun hunting). I also carry my .45 auto in the gun season for secondary access...and am petitioning my state congressmen to push through a simple "carry" provision for archery, muzzleloading, etc seasons for CCDW holders.

I also use a headlamp in addition to my flashlight for dark travel...the headlamp also aide in the use of my climbing stand.

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I remember the first time i went hunting before i had a stand. I sat on a rock behind a stonewall looking into the field, that was some creepy mornings. I remember one time hearing branches snapping around me and then it was really foggy across the field and seeing te silhouettes of 3 coyotes in the field. The other time i had some circling around me and i shined a light and could see little eyes looking at me . That was the day i bought my first climber haha. I still get the nervousness going out early while walking but once i get in the stand and 16' up i feel fine and calm.

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Check this story out that a hunting buddy once told me. He was half-way up the hill heading for his deer stand in the pitch dark. Apparently his wife had let the dog (a huge black lab) out of the house and it immediately took off running, following his trail up the hill. So here is by buddy walking up the hill in the pitch dark when all of a sudden this huge animal comes running up the hill, cracking branches and rustling the crunchy frozen leaves, heading right for him and then brushes his leg as it goes flying by.

So if you're nervous about being in the woods in the dark, just picture going through that experience.


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I ALWAYS come out with a light. It's far safer than ten orange vests. Like William said, bowhunting and cottonmouths go hand in hand, and I'm pretty cautious when walking through the swamp. I've also hunted a spot or two with some big gators around, and they give me the willies when I cant see them and I have to cross through their territory!

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Not scared of the dark or anything in it. Spent to much time in the Marine Corp in god forsaken places as well as many nights in law enforcement to even have it come across my mind.

I've moose hunted with bow in Alberta on my own and been in many wilderness settings with no communications. What worries me more than anything while walking in the dark is spooking game. I am on edge all the time that I'm gonna bump deer and a snort fest kick off...

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the mind can definitely play tricks on a person! I take the approach of calming myself...then walk for a bit at a slow pace, stop and listen, then walk a little more, stop and listen. I keep myself composed. Generally I give myself enough time to get to my stand under the cover of darkness knowing that any noise I simply some spooked game.

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My biggest problem when walking in alone is my mind starts to think about all of those scary movies that I have seen. It sometimes makes for an unpleasant walk when I think about "The Jackel" from House on Haunted Hill. Good God that chick is freaky. Also rabbits and birds, god how I hate them. They wait till the last possible second to run / fly away!

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I hate walking in the dark alone, thats what I love about filming now. ;)

For me it never was the fact of whats out as far as an animal attack or something, I just always get the feeling something is following me. Sometimes it gets me so bad I found myself constantly looking over my shoulder. One time I heard something in the timber I was walking by and literally stopped in the field and just stood there for ten minutes.

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For me it never was the fact of whats out as far as an animal attack or something, I just always get the feeling something is following me. Sometimes it gets me so bad I found myself constantly looking over my shoulder.

Same thing here, I am so paranoid that I always look over my shoulder when I walk, even in daylight...just in case:D

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While walking back in to turkey hunt one year i stopped to......well go to the bathroom. While sitting on a downed log in the pitch dark a pack of coyotes let it rip a hundred yards or so behind me, then some to my left not to far away.

Anyone else load a gun, finish up and get dressed in .4 secconds????? World record holder right here:)

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