$5 million TREADMILL


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How bout that stimulus package now ladies and gentlemen!!!! NASA got a nice chunk of money from the stimulus package ($450,000,000) and just yesterday they sent a $5,000,000 treadmill in space to be placed on the space station. Gee I wonder how many people were laid off from NASA during these hard times:wacko:.

Awe the times of CHANGE.

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I hear what you are saying sluggunner. I had a argument about the fact that NASA got the 450,000,000 for a "stimulus" and the answer I got was that they do alot for our technology. "they help with the cell phones and GPS." Well last time that I checked NASA was not a business ready to turn belly up. As a matter of fact they are always building more shuttles to send to space, or how about the MILLIONS up MILLIONS they spent to send a rover to Mars to check for life only to have be destroyed. When are we as americans going to realize that we are being royally screwed over?? We pay and pay and pay and get what in return?? I'm sure that there were some people in the past that left another country for the same reason.

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It is OUR money they are wasting, not theirs. Why do so many people forget that and overlook the fact that all of those wasted tax dollars come from you and me?

nothing is capable of wasting more money than our government folks.

This is so true. It is disgusting the manner in which they waste.

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