Why so fast to forgive???


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with all the pro ball players, singers, etc. why is it ok for them to use drugs and commit felonies only to be forgotten in a couple of weeks and allowed to carry on with their carrers like nothing happened. i think their needs to be a zero tollerance unfortunately money talks. these people are role models to the youth. ive heard "they served their time" so many times and that would apply if they were everyday citizens that thousands and thousands of youth were not looking up to them. im afraid the message being conveyed is if you break the law its ok, you will be forgiven. am i alone in my thinking??

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Thats the way the world turns. I am happy to see that Plaxico Burress is going to spend some jail time for his crime involving a gun charge. I saw his interview with ESPN E60, he was in tears that he will not see his new addition come into this world, a baby girl. I thought he was very apologetic, hopefully he will learn his lesson and will be able to help others out. I'd like to see Donte Stallworth spend more time in jail or even be kicked out of the NFL for what he done, drinking and driving, w/ manslaughter charges as well, but he settled with the family. I thought he should spend a few years in jail. If anything Plaxico should be given a smaller jail time than what StallWorth done.

Like I said, its the way the world turns and will always be.

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