Should we shoot this buck......


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You know your heard more than we will ever know, so thats your decision. I personally would give him another season, he might blow up next year. Won't hurt anything, if he gets killed then you won't have to second guess yourself, if he makes it and blows up then you will reap the benefits.

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My gosh! Has it come to this where we start asking permission as to which bucks we The simple answer to your question is another simple question. Does he look like something you would be happy in taking? If so, shoot the darn thing and stop worrying about whether it meets with the approval of other people. Whether you shoot this deer or any other will most likely not impact the genetics of your herd one way or another. Man, we are getting way too carried away with this "management" stuff and forgetting that hunting is supposed to be a recreation designed for the satisfaction of the individual hunter.


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Man, we are getting way too carried away with this "management" stuff and forgetting that hunting is supposed to be a recreation designed for the satisfaction of the individual hunter.


Maybe to you, but not to others. Man, why do some hunters feel the need to press their desires onto other hunters?

He walks in Ohio Toddy, only because we get 1 buck per year, and for me, that's not the kind of buck I'd shoot. Good luck in whatever you decide.

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Judging him on what is the normal buck you see around here...(because I cant answer with any other criteria)

Yes with a Bow

No with a Rifle or ML

In no way do my decisions represent the opinions of anyone else..real, imagined, perceived, found slobbering in an isle at Walmart @ 2:47 am who in some way resembles Fred Sanford or any member of the Backstreet Boys.

Edited by GWSmith
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Looks very suspect to me. I'd like to see that deer again in mid September without the velvet. Where I hunt in west Texas, at 2.5 (if that's how old that deer is) I'm expecting a better developed set of antlers than that. If the deer is 1.5, definitely let it walk and if it's 3.5 definitely whack him. 2.5 is the most difficult call to make and really depends a lot on your buck to doe ratio and your overall management strategy.

Or you could base your decision on the "dang he looks tasty" strategy and whack him anyway. Nothing wrong with that.

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This is a young buck and I WILL NOT shoot him! BUT I know a hunter or 2 that has not had alot of success bow hunting and would be very happy with this buck. So I could help another hunter/friend be successful and happy plus I can help my herd from a management perspective.....

I guess time will tell on this buck....

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No brow tine on the right side. Looks like a younger deer to me, probably a 2.5 year old. Whether he will have a brow next year or not who knows, but guessing it not likely since he is likely a 2.5 year old. Depending on what else I am seeing where I am hunting, I might make the decision to take him.

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Ya Todd, that deer sure does look young. I wouldn't put him past 2 1/2 by any means, and he could even be a 1 1/2 year old. I think the only way you will be able to tell is if you give him more time. He could blow up into an awesome buck, and since he is so young, it would be hard to say he has inferior genetics until he is 3 1/2 to 4 1/2. JMO.


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My question here is bases purely on management purposes. I question/fear this buck could have crappy genetics so I would just soon his genetics don't get passed on.

In all honesty I won't shot this buck...he is not what I am looking for. However I do have other friends/hunters that would happily shoot this buck and be happy and excited with him. And I would be just as happy for them...hopefully I would be in the stand with them running the video camera!

I also understand adn agree with those that say he could blossum into something special with age....

I guess only time will tell for the fate of this buck.....:wacko:

Depending on what else I am seeing where I am hunting, I might make the decision to take him.

I am see bigger....:shifty::p:D

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He is a young deer...most likely 1.5 years old...racks can vary quiet a bit at that age...I would expect him to sport a nice 100-120 inch 8 point rack next year...though don't expect too much mass...

If you really want him removed, he would be a nice trophy for a young novice hunter...someone you know starting out a son or daughter...he reminds me of my first buck...

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Maybe to you, but not to others. Man, why do some hunters feel the need to press their desires onto other hunters?

I just assumed that it is a normal and natural fact that hunting is supposed to be a recreation designed for the satisfaction of the individual hunter. Sorry if that isn't the way it is for you.


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