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Looks like a great team. I been watching 3 bucks come into my yard every night for a couple weeks, they're eatin the apples. I know exactly where they're coming from as well hopefully I can get one, Can't tell much about them cause it's so dark but maybe this season a picture of it in my truck will help..hehe :hammer1:

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Checking in, sorry it's taken me a while, I've been out of town and also preparing to leave tomorrow for a Colorado ML elk hunting trip with family. Busy, busy.

I'll be whitetail hunting in southeastern Oklahoma starting in October. Our season runs through January 15th, though most of my time in the woods will fall late October to sometime in December.

I'll post some pics of bucks we're seeing once I'm back from CO (sometime around September 19th or 20th). Meanwhile, the avatar pic in the upper left of my post is me with my ML buck from last fall, just to whet some appetites. :)

Concerning team names, I'd be partial to a name related to ML hunting ("Smokepole Killers"?) or something like that, but I'm flexible. Other ideas?

Good luck to everybody and let's have some fun!

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glad to see you guys check in good luck with your seasons as far as names go i was thinking of something general so it would cover how everyone hunts i myself usually only hunt with a bow. but i know not everyone does so i was thinking of something like. whitetail assassins or buck busters something along those lines but i'm open to anything i'm just trying to get the ball rollin'

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ok ok im here, man i almost forgot about the contest.:) i have been out in Wyoming for 11 days hunting antelope and sightseeing. i shot a nice Buck antelope and a doe as well. came home with some great meat, stories and pics. so my season has started out great.

heres a little about me. i live in Iowa and i only bowhunt. i will sometimes use a muzzleloader or pistol, but only to fill a doe tag. i always try to shoot a doe early in the season to fill my county doe tag, then i hunt the rest of the season for a trophy buck. it has to be 150 class or better.

our bow season opens oct 1st. i have stands up altready and they are prepped and ready to go. i have just one ladder stand i want to put up and im going to get it done sunday. ill shoot some pics of my hunting area to share with you all.

heres a pic of my Buck Antelope.


lets go team, i wish everyone a good hunting season.


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Here ya go


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