Team #5 Bambies Nightmare

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Hello everyone I kmow it's been awhile since I check it, but have been busy taking care of my sick mom and then to top things off I broke my ankle, which has put me out of hunting for the last month..Well i am going back this weekend slowly and then all next week ...I can't wait to get back out in the field.. Good luck and Congrats to anyone who did get a deer. Nancy

Good luck, take it easy, you dont want to hurt your self again.....rather see you get better than push you self out there...HOWEVER I would prob want to burn the house down if I couldn't get out to go hunting.

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Weekend was slow here. Only deer I saw was a doe and fawn on Sunday morning in the rain. Stuck it out for an hour in a steady rain waiting for a buck to trail them then gave it up. Went back out that evening in another steady rain and didn't see anything. Shotgun season comes in Friday. Not sure what property I'm going to be hunting, it really depends on wind direction. I will more than likely be on one of 2 properties where we either have big buck sightings or big buck sign.

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Thursday I make the 7hr drive and head to my family's main hunting farm. I AM STOKED. They seamed to see slow deer movment around our primary hunting area but they now have ALL of the stand corn down so the deer will be packing into our farm. I have my girlfriend hunting with me for the first time EVER, SO her getting a deer ANYTHING it my first priority....unless it a large buck, than it well see what happen got high hopes dad shot 2 does and missed one other and saw a buck.

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Well guys, wounded a nice 8 ptr yesterday morning, probably around 140", couldn't find it. Lost blood and couldn't find hide nor hair of where he went. Went out yesterday evening and this morning and didn't see anything. Went out tonight and saw 6, hit a nice doe, at least 1 lung. Jumped her twice and decided to back out and try to get her in the morning. Full story in the deer hunting room if you want to check it out. Hopefully I find her in the morning to ease my conscience a little bit. It won't be an upgrade but she'll be good eatin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another bad weekend afield here. Only saw 2 deer on stand and they were Friday night. Had them within shotgun range but they were in brush and I didn't want to risk the shot. It was pretty thick. Spent about 20 hours on stand in different locations and only saw them. Next weekend is our muzzleloader season. I will be hunting the property where I killed my 9 pointer that is my profile pic last year on the last morning after a shotgun season similar to the one I had this year. It is a completely different farm than I have not hunted this year. There have been a few hunters on it during shotgun season, but it is over 500 acres and it has not been pressured hard. I hope my luck changes. I have 3 finals this week then I'm done for a month. They are calling for the weather to turn really cold and snowy this week. Maybe that will get the deer moving next weekend.

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well main season has come and gone...I put down a VERY small 3pt from the neighbors blast was injured so I used a tag to dispatch it and forgot to post pics...sorry....but WE DID SEE 2 OR 3 different HUGE bucks that are still around as of the last day of season and trying to get to the areas that I muzzleloader Hope someone shows up.

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Sorry I haven't posted in awhile folks. Really don't have much to post about. I'm still having a real slow aggravating season here. That one buck I seen back in October is still the only deer I have seen while on stand. I did jump one up while walking back to my truck yesterday morning and saw two does while driving out of the woods.

I really hope I can get a crack at a buck soon. Doe days are over here so I will have to wait until ML season rolls around if I want to shoot a doe.

Take care!


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Muzzy season came and went. Passed on a big doe Friday morning, a 1.5 yr old 8 pt yesterday nite, and a half rack 2 point this morning. Saw 27 deer total in 3 days so not bad, today was slow though. It was near 40 all day and foggy, overcast and drizzly. I hope to get a little more bowhunting in this year, but things aren't looking good for me to get a buck and upgrade my score. I hope everyone's season is going good!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well due to bitterly cold temps and working this week, I was unable to go bowhunting to try and harvest a buck. Chances are if I go next weekend I will be hunting with my gun but if it warms up enough I might take the bow and go to the best spot I have to hunt and try to harvest a big 9 pt that I saw 2 weeks ago, but it doesn't look good for me to upgrade. Sorry everyone.

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