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Well it sure was fun finally being able to sit in a treestand again, it was kinda drizzling/rainy all weekend and I didn't score on any deer. Actually I only seen 5 deer all weekend and none of them were within bowrange, but I did score on a black boar hog that weighed 120 pounds.

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Sweet Strut!! Way to go! I bet you're proud of him.

Gus, you rock!! That's one thing I've always wanted to do and have never had the chance. We had the same type of weather all weekend. It finally cleared up on Sunday and I got skunked! My buddy was able to take a doe off the farm on Saturday morning. Pics are in the bow room.

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I have my fair share on hogs running around on my place. I go back home just about every weekend to help my mom out and do stuff for her, plus just mess around out at the place. Every time I am there I set the hog traps (I have 4 now and about to build a couple more), plus take the gun or bow and go hog hunting when there is no other seaon open. I kinda like the hogs so that I can have something to shoot year round, but they sure can tear stuff up.

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well went out tonight and sat in a stand for my first time this year. this was a shotgun only hunting stand. so i just sat there and was gonna see if i could see anything. but anyways i got there late, got there about 4:00 PM. but was in the stand for about 2 hours have not sen a thing. then it started getting cold lol. but about 6:15 a doe came out about 25 yards. i was thinking to myself "man if this was a bow hunting spot that would be a dead doe :D " then some more deer came out. by the time i left i saw 6 deer. 4 does and 2 fawns. im gonna try and get back there monday night maybe and sit there again since i still got 3-4 weeks till i can bow hunt. just feels good to get out there in the woods again!. i just love the outdoors. im going to be out every chance i get!. just hope there some good bucks where im shotgun hunting this year!. :)

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I could have shot two small bucks this weekend... a small 8 under my stand and I put a 2 hour stalk on a buck to within 20 yards. I couldn't tell how big he was walking throught the thick bush so I snuck up on him while he was facing my direction. I went 50 yards in about 2 hours... baby steps.:clown: He got up and I drew but decided to pass on him... then he just layed back down. Finally I grunted and snort weezed at him and he took off. He's gonna be a nice non typical someday.

I also drew on a mature buck as I walked back to my truck... I walked out of the woods to a bean stubble field. As I was walking along the edge a buck pops out about 100 yards away.... he walks towards me then quarters out into the field at about 30 yards away. unfornunately there wasn't enough light to see through my sites. All in all a good day in the woods.

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Well, I'm back from a LONG weekend of hunting. The new farm is really producing, but unfortunately I'm not. My first evening hunt I arrowed a doe at 20 yds. She took a step as I released the arrow and I got a whole bunch of stomach. The arrow passed through and I saw her bed down. I marked where I shot her and I backed out until the next morning. We never found her. There was not a single drop of blood at the point if impact or where she bedded down. We heard coyotes in the area and figured they must've pushed her. But still, no blood sort of amazed us.

The next evening I sat in our best spot. A doe came out from behind the corn at 24 yds and was spooked by a combination of a coyote, a bird, and my scent. The wind wasn't ideal, but it shifted after I got in the stand and got even worse. She didn't stick around. 15 minutes later, I see a buck walking right where she came from. Not just any buck, the biggest buck I have ever seen from a stand. Typical 10 pointer, every bit of 160" and within bow range to boot. He was standing behind corn and walking towards a clearing. As soon as he got to the edge of the corn, he caught a whiff of something he didn't like and calmly turned back toward he came from. He stopped at 35 yds, quartering away. I let one fly and THWACK. I put the arrow right behind his rib cage and he ran off. My bud was hunting about 200 yds away and heard the arrow hit him and him running off. We backed out and left him for the morning. Again, no blood at point of impact. No blood at 15 yds, 30 yds, and 75 yds. We found the arrow 100 yds away covered in fat, hair, and blood. I got about 8 inches of penetration. Still, no blood on the ground. After a lengthy search, we called it off.

I will never use Spitfires again. They were my backup broadhead that I had to go to after using my last Rage the weekend before. Terrible, terrible weekend for me. I'm hanging up my bow for the rest of October and getting behind a camera. Grrrr!!!

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