#9 Team Tagged Out

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  Hunt or be Hunted said:
i see some bad stuff going on with Team #17, hope everything will be OK.

How's the weather where yall are at? its been cold here. so i have not been out

Deer moving where yall are at?

What!?! staying in because it's too cold!?! lol

Our gun law was the week before last so it had the deer stirred up a bit. I've been seeing more deer out in the fields this past weekend so they've settled some. Our second weekend of gun law is coming up but I'm tagged out for my area. I haven't decided yet to head to another zone to try for another doe yet.

Anybody having any luck? We only need 3 12 pointers to catch the leading team! :D

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No, i have not had NO SUCH LUCK!!!. the only field that i can hunt on is a cut soybean field, and about 60 yards away is a cut corn field. and that's where all the deer are. and you guessed it, i can't hunt the corn field, the guy don't own it. and that's the only place i have to hunt :(, so I'm just about done for this year i guess :(

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Hey guys...Just checkin in here. I was at the farm for a couple days this week and got us a real mature doe. Finally! I'm about to post pics in the success thread. Not much of a story to go along with her.

I was hunting our best stand over a freshly cut corn field. I saw her and her fawn on 3 seperate instances in the same hunt. I had her at about 5 yds the first time I saw her. She was acting very weary because they were cuttin the corn about 500 yds away and wound up trotting off just before I drew on her. She came back about an hour later and crossed in front of me at about 26 yds in the cut corn. I made a good shot and the rage did its job. I got liver and one lung. She piled up about 150 yds from where I shot her. AMAZING blood trail. We guessed her age to be around 4.5 or 5.5 years old.

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ope everyone had a great Christmas!!

Checked my trail cams yesterday in hopes of seeing one of my shooter bucks' faces on them.

No such luck.............

Best buck on both cams is a year away from shooting, at least.


Hopefully I'll still get out and stick a doe. Our archery season came back in this morning. After the Christmas rush at work.....I wasn't getting out of bed this morning for nothin'!!!!! Probably next weekend.

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That just about does it for my season. Doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to get out there for archery season. I'm going once more for a couple days for anterless gun season on Jan 15th.

As you may know, we just bought a new farm this past September. We hung stands, scouted, and pretty much learned as much as we can a week before the season started. Because of this handicap, our season wasn't perfect, but it was VERY good. We saw a ton of mature bucks, and I was presented a shot that I was unable to capitalize on.

This contest has definitely added a little more excitement to my season, and thank you all for letting me be a part of this team. I look forward to next year!

This offseason, I'll be at the farm pretty much every weekend. We have a food plot and land management design we are going to try that's based on Tony LaPratt's system. Hopefully it works out like we are planning! I'm sure I'll be keeping a detailed log complete with pictures and my rants about how hard land management is!

Thanks again and have a safe and healthy New Year!!

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Wrapped up my season this morning. Sat a stand on a back flat of the Strut10 Ranch. Had 3 stands to choose from. Shoulda picked either of the other two. Saw 17 deer.......6 bucks. No shooter bucks. But I had two doe tags. Everything was running one trail about 60-65 yards out. So I'm no help to the team this time around.

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Well folks, our season ended 12/31/09, so I am through this year. I had the best archery season I've ever had and also got my first buck with archery tackle this year. I certainly had a great time on 'the team' and want to say thanks to all of you.

I think we did pretty good this year, congrats to everyone!

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Well seasons done for me!

I would have to say i had a good season overall. Even tho i did not get a deer with my bow i had shots and miss, but hey its hunting. But i did get a doe with my shotgun this year so i got some meat. But this year was bad for me, i did not have the right food to hunt around, but that's hopefully changing this year, i think ill be hunting on corn so it will be good i hope. But hopefully this year ill be able to get my first deer with a bow, I'm really hoping anyway.

But i think i said i think overall my season was good!

And i have had a blast this last year/this year on here with being on this awesome team, yall rock. even tho we may not win, its not about winning anyways. And it was nice meeting all of you and getting to talk with you guys, its yall that make this forum so great!!.

And i hope yall have a great year and a great deer season this coming year!!

Edited by Hunt or be Hunted
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Just got back from 7 days at the farm. I saw a couple small bucks and managed to get another doe with my bow. I videotaped my buddy one hunt and he managed to shoot a doe with MY shotgun about 2 minutes after I lost camera light. That's hunting. We hunted a part of the farm I've never been and found the best spot I've ever seen in all my years of hunting. Next year is gonna be too easy!

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