#9 Team Tagged Out

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Here's the story:

If you look at the trail cam pic above… behind that buck goes down into a deep wide river bottom. I decided to take the climber and set up on the opposite side of the river where the deer normally cross. At about 4:30 a couple of yearlings came running down the opposite ridge into a thicket to my west. Not long after they bolted out of there and was running all through the woods. A little while later, as I was watching a doe on the opposite side of the river, I turned to see this buck coming out of the thicket at about 60 yards but across the property line. I grunted, he lifted his head then back down and kept walking. He took a couple more steps and I grunted harder. He jerked his head back up and stood there. After about 30 seconds or so, I turned my grunt tube away from him and gave off 3 quick grunts. Apparently that was enough to piss him off. He hopped the fence and proceeded to tear up a tree at about 40 yards out. I couldn’t see him trough the thick brush and leaves, but the top of the tree gave away his anger. After a few minutes of making his mark he came through the thick patch of trees raking his antlers on every branch that got in his way. As he was coming through, I drew my bow. He walked quartering to my right at about 20 yards and I held my pin in a shooting lane straight away from me. Given how close he was, I just waited for his shoulder to hit my pin rather than stop him. The rage slice through him like butter and he ran about 70 yards, stopped and piled up right there… always good to see that. As the saying goes “I shook like a leaf” as I climbed down the tree. I gutted and drug him about 100 yards and across the river. After that a buddy made it to help get it the rest of the way out. If not for the help, I’d still be dragging him out. :D

These are the only pics I have of him from last night... had to hurry to make the checkin station and had an hour drive home. I plan on taking a bunch tonight.



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WOW!! That's a heckuva deer!!!! Congrats bud!! Good for you! Great story too!!

I just got back from the farm. The corn is finally comin down this week hopefully. We saw two shooters and got a couple more on our cams. I got some great video footage of a coyote howlin about 80 yds away. Next weekend I might pick up my bow for a hunt or two.

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CONGRATS on a big old Buckeye hawg!!!!!!!!!! Nice Job!!!

I may have missed my only good chance this morning. Had a dandy 8-pointer run 2 does past me. I got drawn and had trouble getting him stopped. When he did stop at 22 yards broadside, there was a little, limby tree right in front of his gearbox. No shot opportunity. Bummer. :(

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Monday was incredible!! Tuesday was good. The rest of the week's been worthless. Shoulda been turkey hunting instead.

Tomorrow and next Saturday (last day of archery) and my buck hunting's basically over. No way to get any weekdays off work to gun hunt. Weekends in gun season are for working on the Christmas tree farm. If something doesn't pan out in the next two Saturdays, it'll be up to late bow season for a chance (slim chance) at a buck. May get time to whack a couple does with the rifle if I can do it before tree customers start to show up on Saturdays.

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Hey Team, I took Thursday & Friday off work and headed to the farm...the rut is in in WV and the bucks were chasing. I saw several bucks but only had this one cruise through in range. He isn't the biggest, but he is my first buck with a bow. He's a 4 pointer.


Edited by Rem308
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Hey guys, I'm back from the farm for a day or two. We saw about 20 different bucks, had a whole bunch in range, but not what we're looking for. We saw about 5 or 6 different shooters, even had a couple in range, just not able to get a shot off.

I'm headin back to the farm on Thursday and will be hunting until Tuesday. I have my eye on the 160" ten point I got a shot on earlier this year. He's been hanging around lately. Hopefull he'll make another mistake and I'll be able to capitalize. Wish me luck! I'll check back next week.

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Well.................had one of the crappiest bow seasons in a while. Ended yesterday with not seeing a single deer, morning or evening. That, pretty much, squashes my chances for getting a buck this year. I should be able to contribute a doe in gun season. But my buck hunting's all but done until late archery (after Christmas). And my chances of seeing a shooter then are about zero.

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