Team #10

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Last Saturday I saw signs of the rut winding up. I saw a spike making scrapes, and later watched him on my binos lip curling and looked to be hyperventilating. I also noticed a lot of trees rubbed in my area. One night last week my landowner called me, and wanted me to go with him to confirm a stand on the property I hunt was one of mine. (It wasn't), and as we drove the perimeter of the property in his Mule, I was amazed at the amount of trees rubbed up. I had high hopes for this Saturday (Seems like I say that a I get to my stand a little later then I wanted. Drop my release, and have to go get it, the dropped my bow holder. It was one of those mornings! As it lightens up out, I'm looking through my bino's I see even more trees rubbed up. About 8 am I hear a noise that took a few moments to compute. It was a buck grunting, and seemed pretty close. I grunted back softly a few times with no response. After no response i grabbed my antlers, (first time I brought them in this season) I rattled semi aggressively, thrashed some branched, and rubbed the antler against the tree. I always feel foolish doing this. Hung the antlers up. and turned back around, and here is a buck trotting right at me, about 80 yards out. I grab my bow, and bring up my binos and see it is the 3 pointer i passed on a few weeks ago. He isn't gonna be so lucky today if I get a shot. About 45 yards out the buck cuts across to my left, and continues to me, about 35 yards out. I'm now at full draw, waiting for him to stop in an opening. Of course he didn't, he now cuts back toward me on a line that will take him 15 yards behind my stand. I have to stand up, still at full draw, and he stops and start rubbing the heck out of a tree. I had no shot where he stopped and had to let down. I watched him work a scape that I freshened up on my way in, and he wandered off. I sat till 11 with no more action.

I went home took a nap. I wake up at 1:45 and can't open my right eye. It is swollen shut. I have allergic reactions and it looks like I got punched in the eye. Now I'm mad!. I take a zyrtec, and pry my eye open, flush it out, and put in my allergy drops. Grab an ice pack and lay back down. An hour later my eye is about 1/4 open. I go down in the basement....grab my target rig, and shoot a half dozen arrows to make sure I can see through the peep. Back on stand at 3:15. Very windy. I do a little rattling around 4 pm with no results. at 5:45, 25 minutes before end of legal hunting, the wind just stops. I grab the antlers and let loose with a long sequence. Hang then up ,and grab my bow. About 45 seconds later I see a huge bodied buck cross the draw I'm sitting in at a trot, and disappear into some thick stuff. I grab my grunt and give 2 aggressive grunts, and he comes out, and at me like i have him on a leash. Holy crap. I stand up and look in the binos and he is a beautiful 8 pointer that I haven't seen before. He locks up about 40 yards out, and starts circling me. he gets on a trail 35 yards away, and just keeps pacing back and forth, looking for the deer.This goes on for about 10 minutes. He is grunting, snorting, stomping his feet, and blowing, While pawing at the ground, and thrashing some saplings. This deer was looking to rumble! Think he finally got nervous and tail up and trotted away. I hit the grunt and brought him right back, but only for about 45 seconds.

What a rush! This is probably the biggest bodied deer I have seen while hunting. I really think if i had had a decoy, I would have brought him right in for a shot.

Well, that was Saturdays hunt. sorry for the long post.

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Well hopefully I got my miss out of the way for 2009. It wasn't even my fault. Had a couple of small bucks come in at first light, scraping and rubbing. Passed up on them. Then right after I had a doe and a button buck come in. The button was playing with a racoon right in front of me and the doe was 19 yards to my right. Now shooting to my hard right because I'm right handed is a bit difficult because of my HSS but it's a shot I've practiced before. Rangefinder said she was 19 yards at a 31 degree angle, so aim like she's 16 yards. I settled the pin, squeezed the trigger and she ducked the arrow! Nothing I can do. I nocked another right after to try and get another shot but she slowly wandered off. I'll be back out tomorrow morning and Friday afternoon.

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congrates on the doe.... sat/sunday were ok for me.... snow sat.. sun on sunday.... sat 13 deer sat couple spikes rest does along with about 25 turkeys.... 3 on sunday.... no shots but glad to see them... cant really wait for the rut.... saw about 15 turkeys sunday.... weather was pretty nice... except when u think theres someone in the tree above you dropping snowballs on your thats what it seemed like...

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Missed my chance at a big 8 this evening,,,He came in at 50 yards turned like he was going to come right past my stand then took a detour through some thick brush and vanished......Had a open shot when he was at 50 yards that I could have made but didnt want to chance,,Better safe than sorry.......Thats the way it goes sometimes I guess......Should have,,,Could have,,Would have,,But I didnt........:D :D :D

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He's dead. Dead as a doornail. We found him about 80 yards from where he was shot. Upon gutting him, we saw that he got one lung and nicked the heart. My emotions are bitter sweet. I'm glad someone I know was able to tag this deer and not someone else or a car or even age/disease. But I hoped it was gonna be me or my dad and not him. But what can I do now? Just time to wait a few more years til the next old boy comes around.


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  toddyboman said:
Not that it helps our team any but I smoked a doe this morning!

First time I have successfully filmed myself shooting a deer with my bow.....I have attempted many times but getting the deer, bow and camera all in the same spots is always a challenge. However this morning it all worked out!

Well here is the story/pics/video of the doe.

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Well it almost happened last Sunday night for me on a dandy buck at last light. He came in with a doe and she walked right by at 23 yards and he stopped to drink and after that went the other way! I really think it's time to break out a buck decoy and do some calling now as I think the boys are starting to cruise.

I will be out all this weekend...

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