Team #10

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Here is what I come up with.......GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!

toddyboman-------------10 pointer---- 15 points

cutter10x-----------------7 pointer----- 12 points

hoosierhunter-------------doe------------05 points

Squirrelhunter91 (Y)------6 pointer-----11 points

elkhntnfool-----------------7 pointer-----12 points

Tedicast--------------------7 pointer ----12 points

4Blade-----------------------5 pointer----10 points

Smitteken-------------------doe----------05 points


A GOOD YEAR FOR TEAM 10!!!!!!........82 points

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we can upgrade right..... cause im planning on shooting a bigger one come muzzleloader season.....

good job team


Good luck!!

I too am kinda hoping for the same thing during ML season but only time will tell.

we need to make sure everyone gets there deer entered...

AMEN!! My calculated score don't mean crap if we don't get all our deer entered properly!:ninja:

Here is what I come up with.......GREAT JOB GUYS!!!!

toddyboman-------------10 pointer---- 15 points ****ENTERED

cutter10x-----------------7 pointer----- 12 points ****ENTERED

hoosierhunter-------------doe------------05 points ****ENTERED

Squirrelhunter91 (Y)------6 pointer-----11 points ***** DOES ENTERED

elkhntnfool-----------------7 pointer-----12 points

Tedicast--------------------7 pointer ----12 points ****ENTERED

4Blade-----------------------5 pointer----10 points ****ENTERED

Smitteken-------------------doe----------05 points


A GOOD YEAR FOR TEAM 10!!!!!!........82 points

Lots of time to still enter so I think we are in GREAT SHAPE!!!!:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2:

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Wow...everyone scored!! Thanks for accepting me as a fill in on the team guys!! Today was the first available day, since the season started on 9/15, that I didn't hunt. Been down with the flu all week. Looking atthe calender, I've got 4 more days left to huntthis year, if I go out Christmas morning. Next weekend is muzzleloader, but I think I'm gonna bowhunt through the rest of the season.

Again, great job guys. We need to get the rest of the deer entered!!!

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toddyboman-------------10 pointer---- 15 points

cutter10x-----------------7 pointer----- 12 points

hoosierhunter-------------doe------------05 points

Squirrelhunter91 (Y)------6 pointer-----11 points

elkhntnfool-----------------7 pointer-----12 points

Tedicast--------------------7 pointer ----12 points

4Blade-----------------------5 pointer----10 points

Smitteken-------------------8 pointer------12 points


A GOOD YEAR FOR TEAM 10!!!!!!........94 points

i think its right now... 94 sweet...

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Well this weekend IS the first weekend since SEPT I did NOT hunt......Actually I don't plan on hunting much this week either! Next weekend is the start of our ML season. My hopes and plans were to give the deer a good week or better off from me being around hunting.......So hope my plan pays off.... I know a few good bucks are still in the area and I have LOTS of food in my food plots! COME ON COLD WEATHER!!!

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Well guys I filled my buck tag but it isn't going to count for any points for us. He was a half horn that was limping very bad so I decided to finish him off. Well I smoked him and he ran and did a summersalt and proceeded to break off his one horn that was left. I had to check him in on my buck tag with no horns. Oh well it was the right thing to do. So I'm officially not ungrading past that doe for the contest guys..

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Well... looking at the scoreboard, we are 4 points out of first place, and smitteken's deer hasn't been counted yet.

is there gonna be a problem registering the deer? just curious. We have a really good chance of pulling this thing off!!!!

tomorrow is my last day. I'm going out with the ml'er. Calling for high winds, and rain and sleet all day. I'll at least be out for the morning.

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Last day of ML season tonight......Hoping for a big buck!

We are right there for First place in the contest.....Hopefully smitteken can get his deer entered to push us over the top!!!

plenty of bucks where out and about in my food plot tonight......just not the right one. Put the ML away and going back to archery gear til the end of season......

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