Team #13 Haunted Horns

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Ok, trying to upload the banner and I'm getting the JPEG image has the wrong file extension....what in the world? Anyone else having issues? Anyone else have any tips?

When I saved the file, the default name came up as hauntedhorns.gif, although the file type was JPEG. Before saving it, just change the name from hauntedhorns.gif to hauntedhorns.jpg and leave the file type as JPEG.

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No deer for me opening weekend. I didn't get to go Saturday morning, cause my wife had to work. Sunday morning it was humid so I was sweating my butt off and didn't even see a deer.

I hung a lock-on stand on the property I hunt in Alabama and checked my camera while I was there. Got a picture of decent eight pointer that I believe was a six pointer last year that I passed up on Thanksgiving day. Hopefully I'll get a shot at him when Alabama bow season opens next month.

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No deer for me opening weekend. I didn't get to go Saturday morning, cause my wife had to work. Sunday morning it was humid so I was sweating my butt off and didn't even see a deer.

I hung a lock-on stand on the property I hunt in Alabama and checked my camera while I was there. Got a picture of decent eight pointer that I believe was a six pointer last year that I passed up on Thanksgiving day. Hopefully I'll get a shot at him when Alabama bow season opens next month.

Already started huh! Oh how I envy you!

I'm going out tomorrow to hang a stand. I'm taking it easy on my best spots until November. It's hard to do, but hopefully will pay off. October 10 and 11 is our youth season. I didn't think to enter my daughter, she's 8 and this will be her first time deer hunting.

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Alright, got my sg. pic uploaded!:) So about 4 weeks left to go....ok more like 3 weeks and 5 days I think!

Yesterday, Sunday, helped andy put up a ladder stand he got in a piece of woods where he used to have a stand until it got rotten and crumbled now he's got a new spot...but hopefully the big one comes my way,lol!

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Looks like the weatherman is calling for showers on the opening day here in PA. Hoping that he is wrong like he is when he predicts snow storms. Taking half a day Friday to head home to my parents. Will keep everyone updated. Good luck to everyone this weekend.

jm, I'm headed back to my parents in Indiana county to bowhunt for the opener this weekend. Whereabouts will you be hunting, I see you have posted you live in Southcentral PA. I grew up in Indiana county but live in Lancaster county now. What company do you work for? I do industrial safety consulting for a larger insurance carrier in the area. Right now they're saying 30% chance of showers, high of 62, low of 47. I can deal with that. But we still got two whole days for them to get it right...

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So tonight would have been an awesome night to hunt...had it been season! Calm wind, 40 3 days of animals are moving tonight. Plan to check my cam tomorrow....gone about 6 days without checking it, new record! lol

Hey Ruth, let us know if you post any cool pics from the pull. I got a rear shot of that nice 10 last weekend, not exactly worth posting, but I put the camera back up over some oaks that are dropping buckets of acorns so maybe I'll have something decent to share next week; or maybe even some ground shots of a buck.. but it will have to be a dandy to take on day 1.

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I live in Mechanicsburg and work for a consulting engineering firm designing buildings. My parents live in Towanda (Bradford County) and despite the fact that it is three hours away I'll probly do most of my hunting there. As for weather it's saying 40% chance of showers, mostley cloudy, with a slight south wind. The wind will be perfect for the stand that I'm planning on sitting. Good luck to everyone this weekend!

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No luck! I only saw three deer and two of those I jumped walking out the first morning. The other was a fawn that fed around in the creek bottom I was hunting. I was hoping momma would show up, but she never did.

Acorns are falling everywhere, so the deer don't have to go far. Add to that the fact that this piece of land gets a lot of pressure (heard six trucks drive by after I was in the stand on a wednesday afternoon).

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well my first weekend might be shot, couldnt get off the first but got off friday , and you would'nt you know it, its raing to beat the band and lightning real hard too, but they say it should let off my sat and than start again sunday and go all week. hopefuly i well get a day in this weekend.

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We're on the board (5 points) after a successful first evening out. Weather man called for thunderstorms, but I'm so sick with the hunting bug I didn't care. I went to the farm I've had permission to hunt for several years now. Problem is the farmer is leasing it to an outfitter next year so this may be my last year there. The farmer did say he'd let me hunt there in the future if the outfitter doesn't re-new the contract. Not sure how many years it will be for. Anyway I saw a 1.5 year old doe at 5:15 and she was heading right for me. She stopped for a bite to eat on a low green leaf covered branch at 40 yards away. She was facing me so I had no shot. After 15 minutes she turned aroud and left the way she came in. The weather was wierd. It would thunder, then a sudden down pour for 5 minutes then stop. Did this about 4 or 5 times that evening. At about 6:45pm I was about to get down and spotted a small deer walking in the timber. No antlers, so I figured it was a doe. I thought if it was a button buck no big deal since I'm not really looking to let the bucks grow big so the outfitter stays there forever. Once he gave me a good shot (quartering away at 15 yards) I let the arrow fly. Thwack! Oh how I had missed that sweet sweet sound! I felt great about the shot even though the deer ran about 100 yards and disapeared behind some trees. I got down and found the arrow in the failing light. Surprised there was only some hair on my broadhead and just a little blood on the feathers. I could not find any blood at all. No blood trail to follow (although the low light may have contributed to me not finding one). I walked to the last spot I saw the deer and just followed the trail. About 20 more yards I found him on the edge of a bean field. I was a little surprised to see the buttons. HOW could there have not been a blood trail????????? During the field dressing I found the heart and it had a 2 inch slash right through the center. Finished butchering him up today. Roasts and burger!





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