Team #13 Haunted Horns

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shot a doe sat night after missing a big 8 point twice.


it was about 20 min of light left when she came in and the pics are from my brother-in-laws cell phone.


i think i got a pic that should count and give us 5 points, its looking real good that i'l beable to up grade when i get a buck, this makes 2 deer for the year a button and this doe, can kill one more doe and a buck and the rut should be in nextweeked, should have killed a buck the same day as the doe, have to read that in the bowhunting room.

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Congrats on the deer jm and sky!

Slowly seeing more deer but not a whole lot of activity...not much buck anyway...things have got to let loose soon...I've never gone this long without filling my buck tag before...Maybe it'll happen this week...I'm trying to hold out for one of the big guys gotten on my trail cam but with 2 weeks left in the archery season...I may shoot whatever is antlered that comes by, minus a small spike or 4 point, I try to set a challenge for myself,lol.

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Congrats jm on your first archery buck!

Congrats on the doe sky!

My quota hunt was last week, but I came home empty handed. I saw plenty of deer and passed on a 2.5 yo, 100-110" eight pointer on the second day. I killed one just a bit bigger on the same hunt last year, so I was holding out for something better. He ended up getting shot the next evening about 200 yards from me. I 'bout fell out of my stand when the guy shot. He came in from another direction and we were hunting opposite sides of a creek bottom.

I saw the same doe with twin fawns three days in a row, as well as four smaller bucks that weren't legal (had to have three on one side).

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DSGB and ssky, nice deer - Congrats!! Well I've had a rough few weeks, getting transferred to a new work territory. Glad to have a job but boy its been keeping me busy. I did get out two weeks ago a few days, and passed up a little nice 8 point, it was about 12 inches wide, maybe 85" buck. Had him at 6 yards. Then nothing until last night.

Went out and deer were chasing all over. I saw a spike and a 6 point and three does before I even got to my stand. Once on stand, I had a really good 8 point, about 110", come in to 30 yards but was chasing a doe and screened by brush. Grunting like crazy. Well, my luck, I forgot my grunt call and tried to fake a few to no avail. Anyway, it was great to get some action.

Tonight I went out and had deer running on both hillsides (I was sitting in a bottom). Grunting and chasing, again, through the timber. Didn't have any come into shooting range or good view. Hopefully this coming Thursday and Saturday I will be able to get some serious time in the woods. Things are really heating up in PA. I've also got a real nice 21" wide 120 class 8 point with a G2 sticker on the trailcam. Saturday is the last day of archery before rifle, so we'll see what happens!

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Congratulations jm and sky.

I missed a big one last night (TWICE)!!!!

Not sure how big, but likely 140 inches plus.

I'm sick about it, but they were clean misses and he wasn't spooked bad. Never did get a make on me. Both shots were low and between the legs. Mis-judged the distance both times. Shot for 35 yards and he was at 40 or a bit more.

After the first miss he came back 30 minutes later and came in to my snort wheeze mad as heck. He would not come in any closer than 40 yards. Just circled me.

Going to try again tonight (different stand).

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And depression sets in.:(

Well I did everything wrong Wednesday, but did everything right Thursday. Waited for the perfect shot and after watching the same buck (big 8-point) as Wednesday for 30 minutes he finally moved into range. At 5pm I stopped him at 30 yards quartering away with a Maaaaa!. The arrow hit the mark. I could see I got good penetration, but it did not go through. I figured it hit the opposite shoulder and would be dead in minutes. He ran into a deep creek bed and I didn't see him come out.

I waited 1 hour and 20 minutes and then got down from my stand. It was very dark and although I expected the deer to be dead, with archery gear one never really knows so I backed out. I got down real quiet and didn't even use my light till I was headed back to the truck. No way I bumped him. I looked for 4 hours today and nothing! I found a clump of hair at the shot spot but not one drop of blood. :mad:

I found some more hair up the trail he was on, but no blood and no arrow.

The leaves are gone so I could see well, he simply was not there! I can only guess the arrow must of hit a bone and richocheted missing vitals. The shot sure looked good as I watched him run off though!

I did find a skull of a 9-pointer. I'll post in the shed room later. I'm wore out and depressed...going to take a break from hunting until the shotgun season next Friday.

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well 2 days of hunting havent seen nothing but does, killed have killed 6 that were 19 yards away, they say the rut inis in but no bucks as of yet hread lots of shots in the last 2 days but nothing for me got to morrow off so hopefuly i will see something, got more doe in heat stuff than the law should allow, now just to find a willing buck to come in..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Heading out tonight to my families property to try get my fiance her first buck, and at least a doe. I still have a doe tag that I'm going to try and fill, if I do it would be only the second time in the 15 years I've been hunting that I would tag out. I have my fingers crossed. Best of luck to everyone still hunting.

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Took my first doe of the season during the second firearm season last weekend. Went out with the ML last night and passed on 2 does. Will be going out tonight for my last chance to harvest an antlered deer with a gun. Then I have until mid-Jan to get one with my bow.

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hang in there fly, maybe things will work out for you to get that buck, maybe after gun season's over they might start showing up again, i've got one more doe tag to fill and than i will be taged out, but an'tn no hurry we have one more gun season to go threw, and that will end the 31 of dec, and than back to bow till feb 28th, so im just waiting till jan to get back in the tree.

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Well here's the story. Right at dark (around 5pm) I spot a deer walking into a cut corn field angling away from me. It was in a low spot and although the deer looked big I saw no antlers. I kept looking and as it walked I decided to check it with binoculars. (Horns! and big horns). I shouldered the smokepole and as I aquired the deer in the crosshairs the wind started howling. My tree was shaking keeping me from a steady shot. As I waited for the wind to ease the buck kept walking. Now he was 100 yards away and about out of range. Then just before taking a shot the buck bolted! Only thing I can figure is that the strong winds blew my scent to him. After that I was about ready to get down when I spotted another deer walking into the field. Then another and another. At least 6 or 7 were filtering into the field. One was walking in my direction. I looked over all of them and after identifying them all as does decided to take one and fill my ML tag. I'm sold on ML'ers! The shot was perfect at 60 yards and the doe ran only 40 yards from the shot spot. Now if I'm to get horns this year it'll have to be with the bow.



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Well I wasn't able to tag out like I had hoped but it was quite an exciting end to the season. Right at last light as the season was coming to a close. A brute walked out to my Fiance. She was able to get a shot off at him before he walked into the woods from the field she was sitting on. He bed down about 100 yards from where he was shot, and that is where we found him. We were not sure how big he was when she shot due to it getting dark and that we only saw him for about 5 seconds. Needless to say we were ecstatic when we walked up to him. He is the biggest buck that we have ever gotten off of our property and green scored right around 150".



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