#15 Team THWACK

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Not much luck. Did have a coyote come threw about 60 yards out around 8 this morning. Coudn't get a shot on him. I'm sitting there watching him thinking to myself what I could do to get him to walk threw and thought what the heck I'll bleat at him just to see what he does. He sat down and just watched down in the brush below me for about 5 minutes then gets up and walks up the hill.

About 15 till 10 I had a small 8pt coming towards me down the flat thought he was going to come into the field. Not a deer I really wanted to shoot but with gun season opening Monday I was going to take advantage of him if he came in. He ended up skirting the brush and never giving any shots. I grunted at him some and he would look down into the brush but never payed much mind to it. He was around me for about 20 minutes.

I have all next week off to gun hunt but Wensday night so I'll be out every day and there will be some form of meet on the ground buck or doe so I'll get some points on the board.

Sorry about the long post.

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Have another full weekend off....this is such a rare event. I was going to hunt this morning but when the alarm went off a 4:30 I just could get up. I tossed and turn for about ten minutes and then just decided I needed to sleep in, it has been awhile. All this week I have been so strung out. But to hit it this evening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our rut has come and gone. And for the first time since I started hunting I am burnt out. I has been a long season so far full of bad luck. Emotional highs quickly turned into emotional lows for me. I have not been out the last 2 weekends. I am waiting for late muzzleloader to close out. To many people hunt when gun seasons open up. I am just going to recharge my batteries and get ready to sling some arrows in late season. Still considering the does behind my house. Same spot every night, but I just can take the sounds of US 23.

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Action is starting here. Saw 6 different bucks between Thurs, Fri and Saturday. Three spikes, a four pointer, a buck that I didn't get a good look at but was a borderline shooter, and a 2 or 3 year old 8 that I let walk by me at 5 yards(this one definitely left me wondering why I didn't draw my bow). Weather is bad for the next two days, but I'm betting that the rut is going to really heat up Wednesday. Good luck to everyone.

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Yeah I have been sick since Sunday. Missed work monday. Thought I was getting better. Had to miss again today because I fell so bad and now I cant even talk. Might not be working in the morning either considering the 6-10 inches of snow they expect. Just started falling and we have about 1/2. I heard 2 salt trucks go by in the last 5 mins. But dont think they can keep up.

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