Team #21-We Don't Need No Stinkin' Name

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That might actually be a blessing in disguise. Seems to me we are so anxious to get out once the season opens that we go out in warm weather, sit for long periods of time and get a little burned out because it tends to be a slow time for deer hunting.

Yeah, sit out till the end of October. That makes perfect sense. :hammer1: :laser: :stupid: :rolleyes:

What day did you kill that monster last year? End of Oct? Nope.....

What day did I kill my '06 buck on? End of Oct? Nope.......

Smack talk! :D

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Yeah, sit out till the end of October. That makes perfect sense. :hammer1: :laser: :stupid: :rolleyes:

What day did you kill that monster last year? End of Oct? Nope.....

What day did I kill my '06 buck on? End of Oct? Nope.......

Smack talk! :D

If I had any patience, I'd wait until the last week of October when things start to heat up, but I've never been able to do that, lol. :D

Thank God for impatience. :cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

nothing new to report. I went out last weekend for opener and had several does and fawns come in but no shooters. had a couple of little bucks but no shooters. I had just got back from a funeral and went straight from maryland back to florida 900 mile drive to make the opener. But I made it. I lost my brother inlaw he was 38 and had a heart attack very unexpected. He will be missed he helped me alot with my stads sites he was a great friend...Rip John

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Sorry for your losses guys.

I've only been able to get out twice so far. Got skunked opening morning, and almost got a shot on a fat doe last night, but she just came in on the wrong side of the tree.

I have to commit some time to the new house in the next week painting, staining and finishing the woodwork. Next week will suck especially. I'm out of school 3 days, and I have conferences Thursday night. I do have a personal day on the 9th, so I might sneak out Friday morning.

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Int out this am and no deer for me but I am trying. My hunting partner went out and sat in one of my stands sat. morning and had as he says the second largest florida deer he has ever seen at the club come right under the stad but came from behind and couldnt get a shot. He said it had to be close to 200 pounds. And had a heavy 7 point rack. This is large for central florida. I hunted my other stand this am it is about 600 yards from there but no deer I will be hunting that stand soon. Got to let it cool down before another sit.

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Well I went out for the first time lastnight,it was more of a sight seeing trip because of the warm temps and I am working the next 3 days....anyway it was a GREAT night....after about a hour I had 2 big does and a fawn come right this point the wind started to shift and they winded me and jogged I sat about 30 minutes more and was just about to get out before I messed things up even more...when in the bush all I saw was white...out steped a 120 class 8 pointer. He was on his way right in to me when out steped his brother...another 8 pointer....the first caught wind of me and they both took off....and thats when I left also....very good first night out.

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Man, don't I know it. I just don't have the time right now. Hopefully in a few weeks when this house is done. Can't wait.

I know Im just trying to get you excited to go out and drop a monster.

I went out yesterday spent 10 hours in th tree and saw a squirrel. And a world class deer fly. not very exciting day

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Hoping to get out tomorrow. I've got a sick little boy, so it will depend on how he's feeling.

Seeing a lot of movement around me as I'm driving to and from work. Saw my first chase scene this morning, and about 2 miles after that, I saw my first buck of any size standing on the side of the road about ready to cross.

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Well for sure now guys I will not be out until the first week of Nov when I go away to deer camp for 3 days of hunting....the good thing about that is that at gun camp I only hunt for wall hangers so if I get one it should be worth lots of points. If not I am sure I will stick something here at home on the Island.

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Well I missed a doe last night. I can not beleive I missed her perfect broadside shot 15 yards. I am very upset on how I could have missed her I shot right over her back. There is no way she ducked the arrow. My new bow is very fast. I need more practice. I thought i had it dialed in. I will shoot it tonight and see if perhaps My sights got bumped or maybe She just got the best of me. Darn it

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We had a good weekend back home. I filmed my brother in the early muzzleloader season here. It rained and even poured every day.....yet we managed to knock down three does in the first two days. We passed some does the next couple days, seen a nice 150" chasing does in daylight. We actually just got some pics of this buck in our foodplot and hopefully can connect at a later date. On Saturday night we seen a nice 130" nine point across the field (250 yards) checking some does. He didn't come any we decided to setup closer to him the next night. Just like the night before the does came out and here he comes right behind them just like we wanted him to. My brother stopped him at 150 yards and shot. From behind the camera it looked great, we rewatched it and it looked even better. So after a half hour we went up to where he ran thinking he was double lunged and dead. No blood, no nothing. So we went to the cabin and watched the footage on the tv. It still looked like a double lung hit. So we went back and looked for a few hours.....nothing. So we decided to come back in the morning and look in the light....after another 6 hours....nothing, and we had to get back to college. After watching the footage in slow motion back home it looks like the hit might have been higher and only got the top of one lung. We searched hard and gave it our best efforts, but we are thinking that he made it to a big 150+acre corn field....

Anyway, things were definetely starting to heat up and I will be in the stand this weekend, bow in hand, hoping to get it done. ;)

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Well, made good of my first hunt of the year tonight! Sure felt good to have the bow in hand! ;) The bucks were sure moving, chasing the does. This doe came is at 5PM, at first I was hesitant to shoot, but as she wandered around there were no bucks close by. She came to 23 yards broadside and I smoked her with a rage! I will post more of a story in the journal tomorrow.... ;)

Looking down the valley where we were hunting....



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