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Prayer for something positive would be much better. God could open Obama's eyes to sin that he is creating just as easy as he can strike him dead. The man is very charismatic and could do a lot of good if he were truely a Christian like he claims. Just like Madona, Brad Pit and even Michael Moore, I would rather he be open to the truth rather than punished for his sin.

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Sad that there are those out there who mislead in the name of religion in any direction. This guy obviously has issues, and is not what he claims, no true Christian would pray for such.

Hope for their sake that his followers wake up and realize they are being misled. As much as I may dislike any politician or their policy, I think it hipocritical to claim to be a Christian and then wish ill will towards another person due to that persons moral or ethical practice or position. Really it makes you no better person than that person that you are wishing ill will upon.

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Ditto to everyone.

There is no excuse for that kind of behavior and that man is not a REAL Christian. I have a huge disdain for the Big O and his policies, yet I pray for him in church that he will see the light and have a change of heart and use his power for good instead of evil. Although I realize the chances are slim to none that will happen, I still pray for him and all of the other misguided souls out there.

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I dislike the President's stance on everything but praying that another human will die and go to He11 is going to far. This pastor is in complete disobedience to the Word of God.

Thats the Word right there.

I disagree with him on his policies....but it is simply wrong to pray for him to die.

WWJD??? Not That!


God could open Obama's eyes to sin that he is creating just as easy as he can strike him dead.

Absolutely agree 100%

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that pastor needs to review his positon on the love/hate issue and get rid of his demons. i want obama to stay alive and healthy, and suffer the consequences of the 2010 election, enjoy his lame duck status and in 2012 we'll get a new president who is a stringent conservative. all the next presidential contender needs to run on is the promise to make an executive order to reverse EVERYTHING obama has done and tell him why in the debates. he'll be easy pickings.

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