So hopefully by next summer...


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We will have our own pond! Mom has always wanted one. And since she had alot of $ left over from her trip to England, she told Andy we are getting ap ond. So over the summer while I was at camp...the logistics have been worked on, a pond digger contacted, etc...

So in about 3 weeks, the guy should be coming to start excavating. Andy has to get his chainsaw fired up and start taking down some poplar/aspen trees, otherwise the guy will charge extra to have to do that as well. It's going to be down behind our chicken coop, between the woods and the part of the pasture that we have let a farmer plant crops on (the one who lets us hunt his land). This spot we've let get overgrown the last few years for wildlife. So now it'll be interesting to see what wildlife comes in. Who knows, by next fall it may be one sweet goose/duck hunting spot with a pond by the woods and our corn field when the corn gets chopped. I'll try to get some photos when all the action starts!

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my grandma has always wanted another pond in her yard. she had one that i stocked with fish when i was little in Louisiana. but i just dont think a pond would do as well up here in montana. especially hard when the water rights on land and really vaulable and can get sued if you dig a pond without the proper paper work.

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