morning hunt & new to board


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welcome to realtree!! Most of the tiem they will circle, all depends on huntign pressure and past callign , once they get educated they will circle, Start callign out low incase theya re close and then crank it up after a few minutes! I add a bit of howlign into my distress calls, early seaosn i make it sound liek a pup is playing with a rabbit,now at a few howls to the distress! I have not had much sucess with fog but I hunt every oppertunity I get,I like to leave it a week or so inbetween callign and try to use different sounds,but soemtimes does not matter, last eyar I called the same hill 3 tiems and got coyotes each tiem in one day, first daylight I called a pair came in, I went to the next spot abotu 2 miles away and spooked 3 coming into my spot, they ran towards the hill, I came back a hour later and called the hill got 1, that night as coming home seen 1 loner abotu 1/2 mile fromthe hill, climbed up and got him to come in! they do move quit a bit !Good luck and welcome again to realtree!

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