Scope problems.


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What the best way the straighten my vertical line for the sight on my scope. It seem s to slanted to the right some, the horizontal sight is fine. When I fire the rifle, I tend to compensate for the inconvenience. seemed to work last year with my 11 point I got. But its still a pain to do.

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level, level, level...try that first and make sure the scope is level on the gun.

If the scope is level and still seems slanted....I'd send the scope back or get a new scope!

BTW, if you don't know what a Level, level, level is...they are 2 has a magnet on it and goes in the action of the gun (with the gun sitting in a vise) twist (slant) the gun so the level bubble is level...then loosen your rings, take of the top cap of the scope and set the other level on it. Turn the scope so that level bubble is level and tighten your rings back down. Now your scope is level with your action!

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You might have your rings torqued down unevenly or if you have 2 piece bases they may be skewed. Try removing the scope and see if the vertical and horizontal crosshairs come back into perpendicular. If they do, then you probably just need to remount it and make sure everything is aligned and torqued correctly in your mounting setup.

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