Possible bow hunting in my county parks


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I was thinking about posting this in the bowhunting room, but since it involves anti's and county legislature; I thought I get more input from this room.

I was at this meeting last night. I could not believe the LIES that the antis were spreading. Then again, they never lets facts get in their way of the truth. I had a hard time sitting there while the anti's characterized hunters as slobs that drink alcohol while hunting and are a careless bunch of trespassers. I got up and spoke about how much hunting I have done and share the sport with my sons, spend MANY hours afield with absolutely NO accidents or close calls. I eat what I kill and I am proficient with my weapon. I have introduced new hunters to the sport and mentored a few kids too. We as hunters pay for the privilege to hunt(hunting licenses), we pay Pittman-Robertson excise tax on all our hunting gear and weapons. What fees do the hikers and bikers pay? Zilch, Nada...nothing. Hunters also feed the homeless and poor through NY's venison donation program. Plus this method of deer control will NOT cost the county ANYTHING. Companies that come in a sharpshoot at night do not do that for free...hunters will. The anti's stated that there is a 54% wounding ratio by bowhunters and the arrow is not a effective method of killing...Where do they get this info?

Boy are they so misinformed.

The county legislature was considering letting bow hunting happen in county parks during hunting seasons. A county deer management task force is being formed to explore the county's options regarding the destruction of all the flora and fauna in the county park lands. The point many hunters were trying to get across was the carrying capacity of the land has exceeded it limits for the present deer herd.

I hope it passes, there will be more on this in the future. I will keep y'all posted.

Any advice on making pro points are appreciated.


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Good luck Anthony! Unfortunately if it passes you will probably have the PETA freaks out in force to harass you.

Thanks Joe.

Many speakers made it clear, as did the DEC Biologist; that harassing hunters is against the law and is a punishable offense.

Oh... you had to hear the stories and lies they were telling. One guy said an arrow can never penetrate a deer totally and almost always the deer gets away with a arrow protruding from its body for the rest of its life.

These folks must come from Mars, for they haven't the smallest clue about what and who we are.

If this goes through it will be very big for the bowhunters of this area.

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