My 1st Chuck with the bow! (graphic)


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I was doing some electric work at a neighbors house, 2 homes down and I needed something out of the garage. As I walk past the side steps, I see a fat wood chuck is in the yard. I bolt into the house, open the window to Joes room slowly (legal in NY if you own the house or property and I have permission from my neighbors, so it is all good) , go grab my Matthews Outback from downstairs. He made his way across the yard. I wait for him to give me a broadside shot. I am trying to control my breathing. He turns, I draw and put my 20 yard pin on 'em...anchor...THUD! Pinned to the ground! I hit him a little far to the left, but I got his neck and vitals with the 1 1/2" path that head cuts.

The NAP 100 gr Spitfire Pro ate well. There is not much of a body on a chuck, and that expandable head expanded and did its job. This is my 1st chuck with the bow. I have shot many with the .22mag with a long way to go to catch up to my son Joe tongue.gif

Glad he wasn't home, I got to shoot this time:clown:


Massive exit wound from that broadhead. These are over the top expandibles.


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but I never went to check the regs to find whether bowhunting from a home was legal :p

I did and it is in NYS as long as you own the home or property or have permission and are 500' away from any home who objects to it. I have permission from almost all of my surrounding neighbors;). I am surrounded by cops as neighbors on both sides and 2 home down. Believe me if I was doing something wrong, I would not have posted about it. Just make sure you hold the bow enough over the window sill. Joe window sill bottom has a few pieces missing from the early stages of shooting out the window :).

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Discharge of Firearms and Bows

It is illegal to discharge a firearm or bow:

  • so that the load or arrow passes over any part of a public highway,
  • within 500 feet of any school, playground, or an occupied factory or church,
  • within 500 feet of a dwelling, farm building or structure in occupation or use unless you own it, lease it, are an immediate member of the family, an employee, or have the owner's consent.
  • You may hunt waterfowl, over water, within 500 feet of a dwelling or public structure as long as neither are within 500 feet in the direction you are shooting.

I do not consider shooting chucks out the window hunting...just merely seizing the opportunity, very quietly I might add :) to rid the yard of a pest who wants our cucumbers. They can be hunted year round without limit with any weapon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Good going Amigo

It looks warm there

Its freezing here in Texas

Still waitign for you to put my lights in


Thanks everyone.

It is cold here now...the low 40's.

Tink...I promise I will be down in Texas, Kerrville area again very soon and I will get those lights up for ya ;).

I am still smilin' from my last visit with you:clown:.

You Da man.

Thanks for having me.

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