Boise St/Oregon game

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Anyone watch this and catch the end of it??:hammer1: Talk about a sore loser and a lack of class. One of the Boise St players smacked Blunt, the Oregon RB on the shoulder pads after the game as they were walking off, after the handshakes and whatever. Blunt turns and smokes him (the guy had his helmet off) in the face and drop him. Then as he is walking towards the tunnel, some Boise St. fans in the stands are yelling at him, and the bonehead tries to go after them and has to be restrained by a couple Oregon players, security, coaches and even a police officer.:hammer1:

Oh yeah, Boise St. won 19-8

Edited by Michiganbowhunter_SQ2
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Sucker punch...the dude should lose his scholarship

Very true. I think that something should happen to the other guy also though. I dont think he should lose his scholarship but he should get something.

The game is over and you won, so why are you going over and pushing an opposing player? He should've never went over there and did that. Not saying it was right what Blount did, but the guy from Boise St. shouldnt play with gas around fire.

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Very true. I think that something should happen to the other guy also though. I dont think he should lose his scholarship but he should get something.

The game is over and you won, so why are you going over and pushing an opposing player? He should've never went over there and did that. Not saying it was right what Blount did, but the guy from Boise St. shouldnt play with gas around fire.

After watching it again. I completely agree. That guy from Boise St. was being a punk. He seems like one of those meatheats that always runs his mouth and never has anyone do anything about it because he's always been the bigger guy...well, you do that to a guy, you should expect to have the other guy come at you.

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suspend the two for a couple of games, sit them down have a good long talk with them. And then if they do anything close to that again, say buh bye. Boys will be boys and emotions will run high in Sports. They both did wrong. Blount also went after his own team mate hitting him in the facemask, screw that, you dont go after your own team. Apparently something was said that hurt his feelings and he didnt like. Anger kicked in and he took the wrong actions to correct it. It happens everwhere, even here at RT. These kids are only 18-24, they dont know how to control that emotion though....

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Man, he dropped that dude like a bad habit. :D

What a glass jaw on that Boise guy. :stretcher:

They were both wrong, but you have to have a little more control than that eh?

Not going to lie, that was a good solid hit. :D

but yeah, you got to have more control like than that. Especially if you are the one talking some smack before the game, you go to expect it when you get beat, especially that bad. Both were in the wrong, but I don't see any suspensions coming for the Boise St. guy. The Oregon player though, I'd be surprised if he wasn't done for half the season or at least a few games. He hit the Boise St player, then hit one of hit own players after that (it was a head shot but the guy was wearing his helmet), then loses control and goes after people in the stands :nono:

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Blunt is a punk. A cheap shot taking punk. I couldn't care less what the Boise guy said to him before the sucker punch, it pales in comparison to that sucker punch. :nono:

Learn some control. You got beat down on the field, some guy comes up to you and gives you a raft about it after the game, and then you should move on.

Suspend him for the rest of the season.


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