How big do you like them?


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Food plots, that is. Now some of you guys in here, some from my own state have the luxury of hunting agricultural areas. I say luxury mainly because you have abundant resources to grow horns all summer, but also have great food sources during the season as well. Here where I am is rolling hills and pine thickets. I like my plots in the area of about 3/4 to 2 acres. I like narrow strips just wide enough to get sunlight and not get covered in leaves. I used to have great success in a little bow patch that was about a quarter acre. I'm just curious what you guys like, I'm going to be on a dozer all weekend and will get the luxury of sculpting out a plot or two.

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Plots I have planted have ranged from an 1/8th acre to around 1 acre. Size really depends on the plot type and where I am planting them.

I agree with William on the sizes.

Your property and soil will dictate your locations for the most part. Take a good look at your soil before you go dozing a bunch. Also figure your ways in and out for hunting the little secluded killing plots. You may be able to use the spoils from dozing to control the deer's access to the plots when you figure out your stand locations with the prevailing winds.

Good luck and take pictures!!!

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I think the jury is still out on food plots that I've put in or hunted over in Ohio. I really think there's too much agriculture in our area for a food plot to be completely successful. I've dabbled in clover, oats, brassicas, chicory, etc. but probably the best that I've used is corn that I leave standing until I mow it off in the late winter or early spring. Biggest I've put in is about 1/2 acre, smallest, 500 sq. ft.

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