"Lucky Charms"


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My lucky orange hunting jacket! :D Only when I'm rifle hunting though. :cool: My first year deer hunting was awesome! I'd just received the jacket froma neighbor that was moving away and I wore it on all of my deer hunts that year. I spent a grand total of 4.5 hours combined on all three hunts from start until shooting a deer. I hunted deer three times and got a muley doe, and a whitetail doe and button buck. Then from January 11th, 2004 (when I shot my muzzleloader whitetail doe) to sometime in 2007 I lost my jacket and never fired a shot at a deer. :( Fall of 2007 I found my coat and shot three deer: two muley does and a 4x4 whitetail. :D Last year I didn't get a deer but the jacket "helped" my find my friend's wounded doe and I finished her. However, while wearing my jacket out antelope hunting I had my buck and doe 20 minutes into shooting light on opening morning! :eek::D

I don't have any bowhunting or small game superstitions though. :no:

Dakota :)

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When i was a kid,every time I went deer hunting I would read this....Oh Great Spirit, let your winds be gentle and your skies be heavy, let there be a blanket of fresh snow to track the Antlered One as did my forefathers, and grant that I find him with antlers like a tree, branches wide and mighty.

Grant that my hand be steady, my aim be true, and my drag short.

But most of all grant that my children, and their children, and their childrens children have the wisdom to preserve your work in the forest, field, and stream, so that they too can one day hunt the Antlered One in the footsteps of their forefathers. I realy like the last part about our children and preserving the land.That statment is so true.

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