A Battle For Self Worth


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Hey All...I'm new to this and saw spirtual camp and could'nt help but check it out.U see i've been a christian for a long time.I grew up in church and love the Lord with a great passion but here a while back i turned that passion away from him and toward a gurl i'd met a while back.We dated for 6 months and were geting serious.We were always in church and tryed our best to serve the lord in our realationship but we failed mostly.we have since broken up and went our separate ways.Im struggleing with Depression and feeling like im good enough 4 God to love me...Can anyone help me out with this issue? maybe some verses or just good ol wisdom.Deer season is geting close and i need that push to really get out there and spend time with my Father In Heaven......God Bless


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Hey All...I'm new to this and saw spirtual camp and could'nt help but check it out.U see i've been a christian for a long time.I grew up in church and love the Lord with a great passion but here a while back i turned that passion away from him and toward a gurl i'd met a while back.We dated for 6 months and were geting serious.We were always in church and tryed our best to serve the lord in our realationship but we failed mostly.we have since broken up and went our separate ways.Im struggleing with Depression and feeling like im good enough 4 God to love me...Can anyone help me out with this issue? maybe some verses or just good ol wisdom.Deer season is geting close and i need that push to really get out there and spend time with my Father In Heaven......God Bless



God does not put depression on you !

you should know this ...

You are struggling over that girl LOL...

I can promiss you this... God will send another your way

and prayerfuly she will be the right one for you.

The other one was not the one, God knew this and thats the reason y'all are no longer together.

Focas on Him always ! Dont ever think you are not good enough for him, Your statement on that alone tells me you need to form a stronger relationship with him.

His heart and arms are open "Always" its up to you to do the rest ...

Im 57 years old, Been there and done that believe me...

God's Blessings will be even greater to and for you if you

focas on him always First.

Deer season is rapidly approaching and time to be out in Gods beautiful world of the Outdoors.

Its also a Time when out there to get even Closer to him

and build your relationship stronger with him.

Good luck Huntin and even better Luck building your commitment to him. Just remember...

His heart and arms are always open !!!

God Bless brother,

Beagleman 78

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God promises a safe landing, not a calm passage. If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

I challenge you to read the Word and find out who the author of Depression is and what to do about it.

What you think about you concentrate on and it becomes your focus. You become drawn towards it like a magnet pulls on steel. It's going to do that everytime it gets close enough...that is what it does.

In many ways we have some of the same qualities. What we turn our heads towards we focus and concentrate on and we draw near to it.

Somethimes it scares people when they realize they have the power to choose what their focus is. They really can make a decision to keep looking at something and control their body to make it happen(refusing to change their minds focus). Life happens all around you and nobody forces you to look in one direction...it is simply a choice you make.

What we choose to point our minds at, what we choose to focus on, shows up in our attitudes.

Think about the wings of a plane. If the pilot points them towards the ground the outcome will not be a good one. If the pilot points the wings just above ground level the plane heads in a safe direction and does what it's intended to do.

Your the pilot...

You might want to ask yourself what your looking at and where your pointing your wings. If you dont like where your headed, lift your head so you can see where your going, and change the direction.

God gave his Son....that is how much he thought of you.

Edited by GWSmith
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  • 3 weeks later...


I've been there, had the same happen to me...recently in fact (and when I say recent, I mean like less than 3 weeks ago recent)

We were engaged. One day we had been talking about our wedding reception, and 2 days later, he broke it off. He hasn't said a word to me since it happened. He said he still wants us to be friends, but won't talk to me. He also took my $700 worth of ammo...

I know it's hard. I really really do. It's hard to get through, but if you have faith, you can overcome this. The best thing to do is to keep busy. I have to constantly be surrounded by friends and always be doing something. It's the best thing to keep you from getting depressed.

Constantly study the Bible. It'll help bunches.

I'm at work right now but as soon as I get home, I'll post some verses that I think will help...because they helped me...

God loves you...he really really does. Just like GWSmith said, "God gave his Son....that is how much he thought of you."

God wants you to be happy. Remember that he'll never put a trial in front of you you can't overcome!

We're all here for ya man. If you ever need to talk, we're here!


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Emergency Numbers

I promised you scriptures and here they are. I was originally only going to give you a couple. But I figured since I don't know you, I'd just give you the entire list.

When I was younger, I was given a list of "Emergency Numbers" but they're not numbers that you would think. There's a different 'number' for each Emergency. They helped me, I know they can help you!!!

When In Sorrow...call John 14

When men fail you...call Psalm 27

If you want to be fruitful...call John 15

When you have sinned...call Psalm 51

When you worry...call Matthew 6:19-34

When you are in danger...call Psalm 91

When God seems far away...call Psalm 139

When your faith needs stirring...call Hebrews 11

When you are lonely and fearful...call Psalm 23

When you grow bitter and critical...call 1 Corinthians 13

When you feel down and out...call Romans 8:31

When you want peace and rest...call Matthew 11:25-30

When the world seems bigger than God...call Psalm 90

When you want assurance...call Romans 8:1-30

When you leave home for travel or labor...call Psalm 121

When your prayers grow narrow or selfish...call Psalm 67

For a great invention/opportunity...call Isaiah 55

When you want courage for a task...call Joshua 1

For how to get along with your fellowman...call Romans 12

When you think of investments and returns...call Mark 10

If you are depressed...call Psalm 27

If you are losing confidence in people...call 1 Corinthians 13

If your wallet or purse is empty...call Psalm 37

If people seem unkind...call John 15

If you are discouraged about your work...call Psalm 126

If you find the world growing smaller and yourself bigger...call Psalm 19

~Alternate Numbers~

For dealing with fear...call Psalm 34:7

For security...call Psalm 121:3

For more assurance...call Mark 8:35

For reassurance...call Psalm 145:18

then it says this at the bottom:

NOTE: All lines to Heaven are open 24/7

I hope that these scriptures help you somehow.

God Bless you!!!

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