Fawns still have spots?


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I once saw a fawn with spots during deer season. Seeing a fawn with spots this late is not that uncommon. Our DEC did a study several years back on road kill does to see when how far along they were with their fawns. They were shocked to find that some does were inseminated as early as mid-September and as late as the second week of February.

Edited by RangerClay
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most got spots in Ohio, dunno bout back home in Oklahoma but every fawn I have seen has spots.

They will be losing them very soon as their winter coat comes in. I've seen about half and half lately. Saw what I thought was a fawn on the way to breakfast, but on the way back I could see that it was a doe. Looked like she probably got hit by a car but wasn't dead yet. :( She had half red, half brown fur.

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