Fake odor

hungry hunter

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Need a little help on eliminating plastic type of smell. I bought a gilie suit (synthetic) and this things got a strong smell of plastic. soaked it in scent killer (did not work) after untangleing the dang thing, I got it hanging outside for three days so far and the smell is still there. The next thing I am going to try is maybe using the liquid acorn rage. Has anybody ever had this type of problem with gear. Also do ya think that stuff called deer dander would work!! thanks yall.

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Hey bud, my ghillie suit aired out and was fine. If it still has a smell to it after airing out dunk it down in a laundry tub/bucke with just water and baking soda by handwashing then hang it out.

You could try popping it in the dryer with some earth scented laundry sheets, or stuffing it in a bag with cedar/pine or scented laundry sheets and see if that works.

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Did everything except putting it in the dryer. Those things are a nightmare to untangle. I used carbon spray mixed with autum scent killer mixed with a little pine cover scent. It has been hanging outside for 8 days now can still pick up a little odor but not a bad. The next step is earth/pine waffers inside a bag until hunting season opens. I am kinda anal about using the thing on opening day since a friend goofed on a shot oppturnity on a possible `140 inch monster tearing up the area where my ladder stand is and I have never harvested a Buck with a bow. Thanks for all the help yall. Hopefully will get a shot at him on 9/26/09.

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...I have never harvested a Buck with a bow. Thanks for all the help yall. Hopefully will get a shot at him on 9/26/09.

If I were you in yur situation I would not put the suit in a bag before hunting season. Start practicing in the suit so you know what you have to do to get a shot away without any trouble. You may even have to make adjustments in the suit so it does not interfere with the bow string.

"Practice In It...and It Wont Be a Problem At Worst Possible Time"

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Did everything except putting it in the dryer. Those things are a nightmare to untangle. I used carbon spray mixed with autum scent killer mixed with a little pine cover scent. It has been hanging outside for 8 days now can still pick up a little odor but not a bad. The next step is earth/pine waffers inside a bag until hunting season opens. I am kinda anal about using the thing on opening day since a friend goofed on a shot oppturnity on a possible `140 inch monster tearing up the area where my ladder stand is and I have never harvested a Buck with a bow. Thanks for all the help yall. Hopefully will get a shot at him on 9/26/09.

Does this mean you're planning on wearing the gillie suit in bowhunting out of a ladder stand?

I agree with GW shooting a bow wearing a gillie could have unforseen difficulties.

I don't know about using one above ground either. They are good on the ground but they are a snag hazard that can trip you up.

My two cents, be careful and wear a harness.

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From my experience those plastic odors do eventually air out. Like Joe said, hang it up in the shade and let it stay there for a week or two, it's the only thing that's going to work, you can't cover up the smell of the plastic. And hey, if it still stinks, just don't wear it opening day.

Good points on the safety/performance issue too. Can you shoot a bow in a guille suit?

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No problem shooting the bow with it on. You won't catch me in a stand without a harness I have already taken a fall from 16 feet and landed on a cypress knot, It was three hours before I could crawl out. The area where the stand is has a lot of pines, oaks and of course vines with a ton of spanish moss hanging from everwhere. If the suit still stinks I got my Real tree AP HD. Thanks yall. Hey Orion maybe I will see ya at the store on 441 Micanopy Junction on the 26th.

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I would contact the company and ask them what they would suggest. Maybe it is a defective suit.

Here is the corporate number for the Ghillie company:


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