turkey hunting on the brain


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over the last week I have been fighting amonia so pretty much laying on the couch watching videos being miserable LOL

the more Im researching turkey hunting the more I see how much fun it is . and I cant wait for season to get here!!!

after watching half a video yesturday I fell asleep and had a turkey hunting dream . It was going great me and a freind were out he was calling and after alittle bit we had this nice bird working right to us so I was getting alrdy going over stuff in my mind and moment of truth came bird was 20 yards in front of me I pull the trigger and hear a little bang and the bird jumped and walked away gobbling confused.gif

I was like what the **** my friend is laughing at me and says what gun did you bring? I looked down and I was holding my camo bb gun shocked.gif last thing I remember I was very confused and mad LOL and woke up ...

worse thing was is this was one of them dreams that felt like it was really happening what a bummer !!!!

I know one thing Ill be double checking my gun before each trip this spring smirk.gifsmirk.gif

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Guest MissouriHunter

Re: turkey hunting on the brain

I have got it to. I buy a new turkey each year. Don't know why but it just a habit that i have done ever since i started turkey hunting. I have been at the wal-mart sporting goods way to many times already looking at slate calls.

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