scent help


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I have no idea when PA rut starts, but I wouldn't touch them till close to the rut. Deer around here tend to use the same scrape lines year after year. I typically just let them do their thing and don't interfere. You can find scraping activity here in October, but they dont get serious about it for several more weeks.

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Pa rut phases will start mid to late Oct. A little fighting, some chasing last week of October, breeding the following couple weeks. I would say for the last couple weeks of archery use doe in Estrus. We had good luck in Clarion county the past couple years with that scent and a decoy. You can use the horns on the decoy and put out some tarsal gland but be prepared. We had a nice buck destroy our decoy. Actually had a 4 point mount the decoy as a doe with the estrus scent around.

Redneck makes a great point, don't start to early or you will just spook them.

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The deer are on a tract of land that I am timber harvesting on right now, so spooking the deer isnt a factor....actually I was hoping to get some pics right quick before I cut that section.There were 2 active scrapes on a gasline Sunday & there were 2 more there today when I put the cameras out. I put some Tinks buck lure in them.

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