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This is my first year hunting with a compound bow (or any form of archery for that matter). I have a release that I am using now, and I am shooting very well, but I have a weak wrist and drawing the bow is making my joint very sore. Is there a release (left handed btw) that will give my wrist more support to keep it from over extending or over stretching like it does? Thanks in advance to any help any of you might have!

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Didn't Winn (or similar) make a release that was like a glove that let your palm bear some of the pull weight? Was it called the Free Flight? I know what you are talking about, but it has not been a problem for me personally. It may just be something you have to gradually build up and overcome. The only other thing I can think of is to go to a true hand held release.


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I've used an Ace Bandage before wrapped around a sore bow-hand wrist and that helped. Possiby try that and see if you get some relief. Also for being new to the sport I'm interested if you know what the draw weight is for your bow?

I have only been shooting for about 3 weeks- my draw weight is 42# now- moved up from the 30# 3 weeks ago. Still a lightweight lol.

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Didn't Winn (or similar) make a release that was like a glove that let your palm bear some of the pull weight? Was it called the Free Flight? I know what you are talking about, but it has not been a problem for me personally. It may just be something you have to gradually build up and overcome. The only other thing I can think of is to go to a true hand held release.


Yes- my husband actually suggested this to me yesterday, and some of the other guys in the other thread just like this one also suggested it. I think we may see if Gander will let me try one out while shooting in their bow range and see if it helps. If not well I guess I will have to buy it lol.

I tried my friends' handheld yesterday- I couldn't even draw my bow with it. I did, however, learn that if I tightened it up real good behind my wrist instead of between the wrist and the hand, that it helped tremendously. Now all I think I would need is a glove or wrap to keep the release from creeping forward at full draw...

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I'd suggest that you go to a local pro shop (I've heard good and bad about Gander Mtn.). I'm wondering if your draw length might be a little long (with certain releases) making your wrist twist?

Pro's at a good pro shop would know after watching you pull one time.

My brother runs the archery department at our local pro shop and adjusted my draw length. It's just enough to where I can straighten my arm all the way out or have my elbow slightly bent and is very comfortable. Does that sounds right?

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I shoot a winn Free Flight and it is like pulling with your fist close and doesn't add to your draw. May even take an inch off from what you are currently useing. I think it will help.

Thanks- I am really thinking this is going to be the best option for me right now. I am gonna go get one asap and try it.

Today we wrapped my wrist really tight in an elastic velcro wrap and put my release over that. It was akward to draw at first, but we shot for about an hour and so far the wrist is ok...

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Thanks- I am really thinking this is going to be the best option for me right now. I am gonna go get one asap and try it.

Today we wrapped my wrist really tight in an elastic velcro wrap and put my release over that. It was akward to draw at first, but we shot for about an hour and so far the wrist is ok...

;) See...Thats a quick fix but like others have said your best bet will be changing to one of these:


I love the one I have so much I bought a spare!

They are easy to find on Ebay too;)

Edited by GWSmith
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;) See...Thats a quick fix but like others have said your best bet will be changing to one of these:


I love the one I have so much I bought a spare!

They are easy to find on Ebay too;)

the one in the picture is made to be shot off off the string there is another one that looks about the same that is made to be used with a loop bepending on how you shot also there was a release aid at the at show last yr i thing did a search but couldn't find it this aid hooks around your elbow the guy that made it made it for his friend who had a wrist injury and couldn't pull his bow

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the one in the picture is made to be shot off off the string there is another one that looks about the same that is made to be used with a loop bepending on how you shot also there was a release aid at the at show last yr i thing did a search but couldn't find it this aid hooks around your elbow the guy that made it made it for his friend who had a wrist injury and couldn't pull his bow

I believe you are talking about the RIPshot. I first saw it over on Archerytalk. I'd like to try one out myself.

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;) See...Thats a quick fix but like others have said your best bet will be changing to one of these:


I love the one I have so much I bought a spare!

They are easy to find on Ebay too;)

Yep Im definately getting one! At least I have the quick fix wrap for now so I can still shoot until my new one gets here.

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What are you using right now? Try a Scott Silverhorn with the NAP or any wrist strap release. I don't use my hand at all with the release all the pressure is on my shoulder and elbow. Sounds like your pulling with your hand instead of your arm.

I looked at the Scott Silverhorn- it's close to the design of mine. I am using a Trufire Patriot. I think my main problem with these is that I am putting the release on between the wrist bone and the hand, so when I pull it's actually stretching all that out. When I put it behind my wrist bone it's not as bad. I just got to get it to stay back there. The wrap with the release on top of it helps a lot, but i am still getting twinges of pain the day after.

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Welcome to the forums Nicole. It sounds like you are well on your way to becoming a great archery hunter. I think there are a few things here that you need to consider.

There are a few releases out there that will help with your wrist problem. Winn Archery and TRU Ball both make some great glove style releases. I think that the RipShot might be a little overkill for what you need.

As a new bow hunter your wrist, arms, shoulder, are not use to shooting. You should take steps to prevent further strain on your wrist (which could cause injury) and at the same time strengthen.

To relieve strain on your wrist a glove style release is a good first step. I would also suggest that you limit the amount of shooting you do. You may simply be suffering from overuse. If your bow is dialed in you probably don't need to shoot more than 3 days a week and roughly 15 - 20 shots, especially during the season.

You may also want to consider lightening up the poundage on your bow, even a 5 pound reduction can make a big difference.

As you get stronger and your body gets use to shooting you can increase your poundage, the number of days you shoot, and how many shots you take. If you train yourself properly and avoid injury you will be able to build the strength to hunt for many successful seasons to come!

Good Luck!

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You may also try practicing in short sets. For example, practicing for 15 minutes, then taking 5 or 10 minutes off and then hitting it for 15 minutes again.

I'm a fairly strong guy and I don't shoot more than 3 arrows in a row. I noticed that anything after 3 shots begins to increase my group size. Pulling 40lbs or 65 like me takes time to build up to.

Approach your practices like weight lifting - doing sets of 3 and then resting for a few minutes - and you may notice that your accuracy increases and you have less wrist pain as well.

Good luck and welcome.

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Thanks to both of you on the previous posts for the advice. We do shoot alot in one sitting- I just really enjoy it and hate to stop lol. But I will try the sets/breaks and see if that helps. I already have stressed wrist from working in a automotive body shop for years. That im sure is part of my problem. I really do appreciate everyone taking the time to share their knowledge with me though- and I have already started taking into consideration a lot of what i have learned off of here.

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Ok I went to Bass Pro Shop this weekend on our vacation to Mobile, AL. I tried on the Winn Release, and the left handed medium was too big. I tried on the small right handed, and it fits very well. The didn't have a small in the left handed release, or a left handed bow I could draw on- but I got my husband to hold onto the end and pull real hard, and there is no stretching at my wrist at all! It's perfect! But... I looked on Bass Pro, Cabela's, Gander Mountain- and non of them offer a small left handed release. The medium just doesn't get tight enough... I don't know what I'm going to do now...

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