A Howlin' Good Time (wolf pics)


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Went moose hunting this weekend with my dad and my 8 yr old boy. We were positioned just as the fog lifted on a big meadow complex where I always see moose. Not a single swamp donkey was out. I started cow calling and the only answers came from a couple wolves on the other side of the valley. We hunted for several hours and decided to head over see if we could find the wolves. My dad saw one dart across the logging road, so we sat waiting for it to come out. I decided to howl and 3 more darted across the road. Then the whole valley came alive with howling. There had to be well over a dozen wolves in there. My son and I both were howling, with wolves all around us answering us. My dad thought the wolves we saw were juveniles and they sounded young by their howls. There were 2 larger sounding howls below us on the river, so I left my dad and my son howling and moseyed the direction of the larger sounding howls. I worked my way through a patch of timber and came out on an edge of a recent logging block. I started howling and suddenly a wolf appeared in front of me. I got on him just as he went out of sight in the logging debris. He ended up walking only 20 yards from me with no shot opportunity available. I thought he would pick up my scent once he got past me, so I howled and he answered right back. I jumped up on a high stump and saw a good view of him. He was now in the timber moving pretty fast. I let one fly and missed but connected on my second shot. As soon as I saw him go down I howled again and had another one answer me. It wasn't 2 minutes later I heard my dad shoot. My son and my dad had turned around to see what I was doing and my son cried "Wolf". A wolf came out in front of them at about 75 yards. My dad let one rip but had brush in the way so he missed.

It was a cool experience to share with my dad and my son. This is my first wolf. I've had a few "missed" opportunities in the past but have never really had a good shot present itself until now. He looks to be a sub adult of the pack. I'd say he weighed 80-90 pounds. Not a huge dog but not small either.

A couple pics of my son with the wolf.



My dad and my son with the wolf


Me and my son with the wolf




Some scenery pics from the weekend.





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Re: A Howlin\' Good Time (wolf pics)

Did you skin it yet-there is nothing more rotten on the face of the earth than a timber wolf to skin-they are such neat animals can be so elusive one time and the next time just sit there-guy up here just shot a big black one drinking out his watering bowl of all things-must of been too lazy to walk to the river. Very nice wolf though-they should almost be prime by now.

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Re: A Howlin\' Good Time (wolf pics)

Iron Buck,

It was truly an awesome experience to share with my son. Not many kids get to hear a wolf nowadays, let alone talk to one and see one up close and personal. Definately an experience of a lifetime and one he'll remember for years to come. Pretty cool that this is the first wolf shot in our family since my grandfather had his trapline in Northern Alberta. Just keeping up the family tradition I guess. smile.gif


His hide was in great condition. I skinned him right on the spot. I'm pretty used to skinning from all the bears I've done while guiding the last few years, so I was pretty fast getting the job done. I had heard they can be stinky buggers but he didn't have any strange odor at all. I did where rubber gloves while skinnin' though, cause I have heard they can carry diseases. I thought I better be safe than sorry.

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Re: A Howlin\' Good Time (wolf pics)

Wellmaybe you skinned him without him being frozen then thawed out cause the ones I've been around have flat out stunk. Wolves are such an amazing animal I think kind of a once in a lifetime trophy-soime guys up here have called them in with predator calls that would be fun I think.

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Guest Colorado Bob

Re: A Howlin\' Good Time (wolf pics)

Conglads!! The wolf re-introduction in the Yellowstone is big controversy here in the western US. I hear they are really puttin the hurt on the elk herds & livestock. Lots of ranchers are using the SSS method. Shoot , shovel, & shut-up.

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Re: A Howlin\' Good Time (wolf pics)

We've lived with the wolf for as long as people have lived and hunted here, i.e. thousands of years. I don't have any problems with them being here. Heck, it is pretty awesome sitting around a campfire late at night when they start howling. It really defines the wildness of this province. They do need to be managed though. Left to their own devices they will eat themselves out of house and home. We are allowed to kill 3 a year here, and with all my years of trying, this is my first wolf. Most wolves that are harvested are taken by trappers. It is only the rare hunter that lucks into one like I did.

I know the re-introduction thing down there is a hot-button topic. Most hunters are against, but they do speak with a lack of knowledge at times. I for one am glad we have wolves, grizzlies, cougars, wolverines and other predators in this great province. It is a testiment of proper wildlife management.

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Re: A Howlin\' Good Time (wolf pics)

BCBOY, that's an awesome story, even coller that your dad and son were along to experience it, a 3 generation hunting trip, something I hope to have someday!!! Wolves are among the neatest animals out there, we don't have nearly as many as you but I'm lucky enough to see a few each year and hear them often. I doubt I'd ever shoot one unless i was forced to, in fact it's not legal for myself, I have no trappers licence but I'd love to have a rug of a big old black beauty in my trophy room one day, great job!!!

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Re: A Howlin\' Good Time (wolf pics)

I shot him near Blue River BC, which is about 2 1/2 hrs down the Yellowhead from Jasper.

Here's a couple pics of the finished skull.


Here's one with a couple 18+ inch bear skulls for size comparison.


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