have you ever seen a Grub in squirrel throat?


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Saturday me my girlfriend and one friend went out squirrel hunting. My friend shot a squirrel that had a hard lump in its throat with a black dot in it so, I told my friend to cut it out and when he did a black thing popped out. it was like 3/4 of an inch long and started moving left and right and up and down. So, then he pushed it all the way out and it was a black grub about an inch and a half long. Has anyone ever seen this it was also about a half inch around and the hole that was in the skin was about the size of a pencil point that it entered on or, it grew around the grub.

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Yup, they are warbles....I got 5 big squirrels tonight, maybe 1 or 2 out of them did not have a warble....usually takes till first frost then they are gone. They are gross but the squirrel is fine to eat...sometimes you might see a mark on the membrane covering the meat and I'll cut that out, but no problems....Squirrel should be good to eat, unless it looks otherwise.

Aren't we lucky in NY?! lol

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