How to move geese from one area to another?


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I been out this year goose hunting and it is my first year hunting for geese. I shot one that had a band on it which is cool but, i have permission to hunt one side of a piece of property. The geese on the property are always on the piece i cant hunt and only on my side sometimes. So, I am wondering how i can call the geese from one side to the other. there is a small piece of woods that is about a 1/4 mile between were i hunt and were the geese are. I had them flying over also and was calling to them and just didnt get them to fly my way. I only have one decoy. Do you think if i had more that they would be interested in coming on by to see the decoys if they were there?

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The early season birds can be tricky. Most likely they are resident geese (ones that nested/born there). They can be pretty set in their ways and they know the area well.

If you cant get to where they WANT to be, then your only real chance is to convince them that where you are is where they want to be. Decoys and convincing calling is really the only way to do that. But its not as easy as when there are 'new' (migrating) birds around.

Try to locate where they roost at nite, and where they relax in the afternoons, usually some kind of river or pond but not always the same place.

Good Luck!

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