TV's screwed up!!


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Your young right...

You listen to RAP????

Well thats what did it right there...

Walk up to it and RAP it a few times with the back of your hand and tell it to work...

If the picture goes out you hit it to hard...

If the picture goes out and all you hear is screaming and your hand swells hit it too hard(and go see a DR. your hand is broken) the screaming was YOU:D

If that dont work probably should call a TV repair place to see if they can fixed the toasted control board:clown:

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Your young right...

You listen to RAP????

Well thats what did it right there...

Walk up to it and RAP it a few times with the back of your hand and tell it to work...

If the picture goes out you hit it to hard...

If the picture goes out and all you hear is screaming and your hand swells hit it too hard(and go see a DR. your hand is broken) the screaming was YOU:D

If that dont work probably should call a TV repair place to see if they can fixed the toasted control board:clown:

Nah I don't listen to that Oh and could you be nice enough to come over and hit my tv for me?

William its all of the channels. I'll look around for the thing you mentioned on it.

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Does the sound change during a show or on commercials? I know that is one thing that makes me mad.. I will have the volume set where I want it for the show and a commercial comes on and I'm blasted outta the living room. If that's not the case I'd try what William said.

That's the only suggestion I have other than you are sitting on the remote and changing the sound that way:clown:

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Does the sound change during a show or on commercials? I know that is one thing that makes me mad.. I will have the volume set where I want it for the show and a commercial comes on and I'm blasted outta the living room. If that's not the case I'd try what William said.

That's the only suggestion I have other than you are sitting on the remote and changing the sound that way:clown:

It happens during the show your watching. I know the comercails always seem louder that don't bother me tho its in the middle of the show with the dang volume going up and down up and down.

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