Crimson Talon Wound?


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I got a pic of this doe on camera...last year the neighbor kid shot a doe in this same timber with a Crimson Talon fixed blade with two expanders. Told me he smoked her in the sholder and she took of up the hill. Will we found the arrow up the hill a little bit, plenty of blood but no deer...what do ya'll think of that spot on her shoulder...could it be the same doe?


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Same thing happened to me but with a three blade mechanical. I found arrow with broadhead on it and then no deer. When the hunter on the next property shot her the next year later he asked me if I shot a doe. I told him yes and he said come over. You could see the imprint of the broadhead on the shoulder bone of the broadhead. Really impressive and that goes to show anyone that you can shoot one in the shoulder with them still living. You need some power to go through the bone for sure! I have come to find that I like the cut on contact broad heads a ton better than mechanical.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I think that it really isn't your setup or your broadhead. That head will make deer DOA is the shot is in the right location.

Deer have an amazing will to live and are tough creatures. You hit a shoulder blade and get partial penetration and the deer will likely live...even if you get a little of one lung. Blood coagulates in that hole closes up and eventually they heal up.

Moral of the story is to try to get your shot a few more inches back...but sometimes they just get away...thats why the call it hunting.

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