someone called him a LIER

Hunt or be Hunted

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To gain respect you must show respect.

Will add to this that; respect is earned not deserved or given with expectation solely because of your status. Sure the president should be given the respect as the leader of the country for his position, but when he resorts to name calling or slamming people who oppose him for reasons that those folks find justifiable, the president had better be ready to take what is dished back in his direction. Don't dish it out if you cannot handle what is going to be heading back in your direction with the expectation that your status somehow exempts you from answering or somehow puts you above every other citizen in this country.

Can see where common everyday working class people would take offense to recent comments made by the liberals and by Obama. Suppose those elitist liberals really believe it ok for them to throw out derogatory comments, but not ok to be on the receiving end of truthful comments coming from people who see through them.

As for the comments Obama continues to make on conservatives, appears he is really trying hard to reach across the aisle to work together, NOT. Seems to me that there has been a lot of childish antics, Obama in my opinion just does not seem to understand how things in this country are supposed to work. He has not gotten his way, the American people have let him know that they did not want what he was trying to bully through. Resorting to calling the people(both the general public and lawmakers) who have spoken up names just shows this man really is not fit to lead this country. The american people deserve better than to be labeled/slammed by their leader when they speak out as the founding fathers of this country had expected them to do.

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Big O' has to lie.

If he told the truth about what he really wants to do to this country only 27 people would support him. There were over 40 something direct lies in his speech the other night, and Obama said them knowing he was telling lies and he did not even bat an eye. I just wonder how long it is going to take the rest of this nation to wake up and see him for what he really is.

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