Is it possible to steal someone's tree?


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I set up a nice area on some public land. Cut a few samplings, a few branches and cleared the forest floor to make it look like a scrape. This little area even had a licking branch over it. I decided which tree I would use and then created a few shooting lanes.

There were several trails that led to this intersection, so it was perfect - too perfect.

The tree that i decided to use and put my tree stand in, low and behold now has a ladder stand on it.

someone though they found the perfect spot! They did.

I'm trying to get a hold of the guy and ask if he "doesn't mind" if I use his treestand when he isn't there.

It is first come first serve, but I don't want to get into an argument with anyone in the woods.

This scenario sucks, but at least i created something that others got excited about.

The deer have been hitting the area below the licking branch pretty hard, too. LOL!!!

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Unfortunately, public land does come with potential interferences built in and there's nothing you can really do about it. It would be nice if people had a little respect for other people's efforts, but that's simply not in some hunter's nature.


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Unfortunately, public land does come with potential interferences built in and there's nothing you can really do about it. It would be nice if people had a little respect for other people's efforts, but that's simply not in some hunter's nature.


Exactly...As soon as you mentioned "Public Land" in my mind the words "anything can happen" sounded off from my past experiences there. Everything that made it the perfect spot for you works for the other guy too except he's lazy.

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Unfortunately, public land does come with potential interferences built in and there's nothing you can really do about it. It would be nice if people had a little respect for other people's efforts, but that's simply not in some hunter's nature.


Exactly...As soon as you mentioned "Public Land" in my mind the words "anything can happen" sounded off from my past experiences there. Everything that made it the perfect spot for you works for the other guy too except he's lazy.

I'll 2nd those 2 responses. Anyone hunting public land doesn't own a tree, spot or whatever. You would like to think other hunters would respect someone's efforts but unfortunately, many don't.

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Leave him a note in the ladder stand, pointing out the work you did clearing shooting lanes, etc., and saying that you since you did all the work scouting and preparing the spot, you intend to hunt it. And since it is public land, you realize that you have no grounds to ask him to not hunt it, but that you are willing to share. Ask him to move his ladder to a different tree, as you use a climber, and set the place up for that specific tree.

Be nice in your note. I'll bet the ladder gets moved.


If not, mark and blaze a GOOD trail to the spot. Then give yourself a haircut and drain the old lizard in the middle of the clearing about twice a week, and find another place.

Edited by wing_0_nut
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I've been doing some reading.

It seems there may be an issue here with the Ladderstand being in place overnight.

Page 32

Illinois DNR Regulations for PUBLIC HUNTING AREAS

It is unlawful:

To construct or use any tree stand using nails, screws or any device which pierces or cuts the bark of the tree on which it is installed.

Any tree stand must be portable and must be removed at the end of each day, unless otherwise specified in site-specific regulations.

Only one tree stand is allowed per deer permit holder at each site.

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I've been doing some reading.

It seems there may be an issue here with the Ladderstand being in place overnight.

Page 32

Illinois DNR Regulations for PUBLIC HUNTING AREAS

It is unlawful:

To construct or use any tree stand using nails, screws or any device which pierces or cuts the bark of the tree on which it is installed.

Any tree stand must be portable and must be removed at the end of each day, unless otherwise specified in site-specific regulations.

Only one tree stand is allowed per deer permit holder at each site.

I'll have to check the regulations in Indiana - that is where the public land is, my private land is in Illinois.

Well, I did call the number on the treestand and left a message. We'll see if he calls back. I will probably take the advice to leave a note as well. If he is friendly, then that is great. If not - oh well. I'll hunt on it anyway - when he isn't there. No law against that. I've occasionally used other people's stands if there weren't in them and haven't had a problem yet - I'm an easy going guy and would go somewhere else if they showed up - even though it is first come first served (I believe) I'll have to double check again.

Thanks guys!!!

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It is legal to have that stand up in Indiana. But it has to have a name, phone number, and address on it. Maybe knock on his door. If theres no address, seems like the stand should be taken down by the DNR guys. I would leave it alone until you get ahold of the guy. Even though he did "steal" your spot(and may have not even known it) it could still cause a bit of trouble if you meet at o dark thirty on opening day.

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On most public land in IL you can put up and leave a ladderstand so long as you have it marked with your name and phone number.

Look...this sucks but there is really no way he knew that you picked this spot. For all you know he had his stand up in that tree last year and killed a dandy buck out of it. Let him be and pick a different spot...don't go urinate or mess up the location b/c that is just not what hunters do. If everone got ticked off from getting walked in on on public land now one would ever kill a deer.

I have hunted some public land in IL. Mazatene Island, Jim Edgar, Shawnee National Forest. My advice is to "hunt the hunter." These are extremely educated deer. Use other hunters and the wind to figure out where to sit. If you think this is a great spot then get in earlier and figure out where the smart bucks will go to avoid the guy...then you got a plan to get a giant buck on public land.

Good luck.

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Also...we once had a deer stolen out of the tree while we were sleeping in our cabin at Jim Edgar Panther Creek. It was a doe that my buddy shot. However, the coward also stole my stainless steal heavy duty gambrial.

If anyone sees that gambrial let me know. I am 99% sure I know who the guy was who did the theiving...he was in our camp that night and was the only one that knew the deer was hanging in the tree.

Edited by AceArcher
remove bad word
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On most public land in IL you can put up and leave a ladderstand so long as you have it marked with your name and phone number.

Look...this sucks but there is really no way he knew that you picked this spot. For all you know he had his stand up in that tree last year and killed a dandy buck out of it. Let him be and pick a different spot...don't go urinate or mess up the location b/c that is just not what hunters do. If everone got ticked off from getting walked in on on public land now one would ever kill a deer.

I have hunted some public land in IL. Mazatene Island, Jim Edgar, Shawnee National Forest. My advice is to "hunt the hunter." These are extremely educated deer. Use other hunters and the wind to figure out where to sit. If you think this is a great spot then get in earlier and figure out where the smart bucks will go to avoid the guy...then you got a plan to get a giant buck on public land.

Good luck.

Ace, good advice.

I did call and his wife called back - turns out that I knew this guy back when I was 12 years old if you can believe it. I hope he calls tomorrow. it would be interesting to have a conversation with him. I'll likely put my stand about 50 yards further down the trail and kill his deer before it gets to him. LOL.

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I know I really don't have a desire to hunt a stand where someone else has been or will be hunting. Chances are the big deer will know and avoid that spot.

Hunting public land requires a little different approach to hunting. I look for areas that are hard to get to. Areas that are thick and difficult to see from a road or trail. Areas that a deer will likely run to when the hunters are walking in.

Perhaps the guy is easy going and doesn't plan to hunt that spot much. Then again could likely be that he's a jerk in which case I'd just forget about that spot. If he never calls I'd bet the number is bogus which would mean he's more likely a jerk.

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