Is it possible to steal someone's tree?


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lol thats an easy fix go into the area and pee and poo and make it as un popular of a deer area as you can (JUST JOAKING) ...I try not to make an area look so good when it's on state land, just for that reason. It tough but I think you are out of luck. Now I dont know about your rules but here in Michigan ANY stand placed on state land is open to anyone to use, even if it's marked by the owner.

Edited by MichiganHunter
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Leave him a note in the ladder stand, pointing out the work you did clearing shooting lanes, etc., and saying that you since you did all the work scouting and preparing the spot, you intend to hunt it. And since it is public land, you realize that you have no grounds to ask him to not hunt it, but that you are willing to share. Ask him to move his ladder to a different tree, as you use a climber, and set the place up for that specific tree.

Be nice in your note. I'll bet the ladder gets moved.


If not, mark and blaze a GOOD trail to the spot. Then give yourself a haircut and drain the old lizard in the middle of the clearing about twice a week, and find another place.

Toilet crytals in a 50-100yard perimeter work very well and they come with a nifty built-in hanger, but I wouldn't know about how well they work personally, just what I've heard...:cool:

That's totally inconsiderate taking your spot. He deserves to meet "crystal".

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Never hunted on public, but hunting on a property these other guys rarely came down since it was a 2 hour drive and I lived 5 minutes. I had half a dozen stands up, and always found where I would put one up and they'd up with one nearby. sometimes vis versa if I found a tree walking one direction not the other.

They apparently didn't like me on the property as they cut some of my ropes on my stands. I was going to see about leasing as I asked for permission the following fall, they beat me too it. Great property to sit there waiting to be hunted.

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I can't believe some of the replies here. First and foremost, put yourselves in the other guys place. How would you like to come in to YOUR stand and find someone in it? I know how I'd feel, I'd be PISSED! And that's just not me, my dad was the same way, he's caught people in them before. To me that lacks class and ethics, hunting someone else's stand.

Part two: How would you all feel if you came into a good looking spot such as this, that someone else may have already found, you put up a stand, come in opening morning only to find that someone had come in there and "vandalized" the area? I'm betting you'd be pretty upset. My advice is to just find another area. You don't have many "rights" on public land as far as the "ground" is concerned

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I've never hunted public land much, so I can't give much advice. Once years ago, I was hunting a piece of land that belonged to my wife's great uncle. I planted the same little quarter acre or so for years with no incident. Low and behold he gave another family member permission to hunt it also and the jerk just came in and planted my spot one fall before me and put up a stand. This really ticked me off, but I never could catch the guy hunting there to talk to him about it. So..... hehehe...... I began to aggravate him. Now, we both had permission to use the property, and I never hunted what he planted that year, but I would walk up to the ladder stand and climb it with my muddy boots, leaving prints up the ladder, leave a candy bar wrapper on top of the platform, and well.... you get the picture. He never planted it again, and I took it back over the next year. May have been the wrong approach, but the guy was clearly in the wrong for not talking with me about if first, we could have worked out a compromise.

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You don't have many "rights" on public land as far as the "ground" is concerned

In Texas you have no rights to it at all. It's illegal to leave a stand over night on public land or government land. If I were in your shoes I'd save myself the headache and potentionally a heated confrontation from the guy, and just find another spot. It sucks for sure since you put all the time and energy in this one.

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