Trials as a new nurse


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I won't go into great detail, but I'm nervous and scared. Got a phone call from one of the girls at central office...about some kid we had at camp week 3....Well just now central office gets contacted about them having to pay, not their insurance for something that happened post camp. Well it was a minor thing at camp, a very very small chipped tooth...kid was ok...going home the next day..I could not do much about it but call the parents and document it. Well supposedly some other tooth is dead....well thishad to have happened after camp. So I'm praying I dpn't get involved much more on this legally, there wasn't much I could do about it! The girl was calling to see if we filled out an incident report, which we did not because it was not something back then that was required by the DOH to be reported.....I think the parents are basically looking for whatever they can get to have the state pay for it or whatever...I dunno...

Ugh, kinda scared...

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This other tooth that is dead.... can they prove that this happened at the same time as the chipped tooth incident? I wouldn't worry too much about it Ruth, as you did everything you could at the time. Remember, you are a Nurse, not a Pediatric Dentist! You did your best! Like you said, it sounds like the parents are out to have someone else pay for the whole thing.

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Some stories I could give you here Ruth from being a sounding board for my wife, but those probably would not make you feel a lot better. Gary has it right though, document everything you possibly can and accurately. Really don't think from what you posted that you would have to do much more than possibly give a statement/deposition, but who knows nowadays.

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Oh, I wrote down my stuff but yeah, mom told me don't worry, the state should deal with it because if the tooth died, it probably happened after his week at camp...and a tooth can take awhile to die, which they probably didn't know until they found out sometime recently what it would cost to fix, so they want someone else to pay. I don't think I'll need to be involved much with anything, unless the parents go nuts or something...who knows.

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Welcome to the world of, I have had my share of depositions. We live in such a sue happy society that as nurses you spend about 75% of your time at work documenting (to prove you did anything) and 25% of your time actually getting to take care of patients. First of all, check to see if your camp has any policies reguarding what requires an incident report. As long as YOU followed policy there isn't really anything they can do to you. If I were you, I wouldn't worry much about it. Hang in there girl.

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it takes along time for a tooth to die and 2 it has to be something pretty tramatic for the tooth to die and a chipped tooth won't do it. my youngest sister was pushed down the stairs at school and her mouth was pretty badly hurt so my folks took her to the dentist and they dentist checked her out and said we will just have to keep a eye on her teeth and the dentist said it can take mths before any major damage can show up,well 1 and 1/2 mth after the accident the 2 front top teeth are dead ,they started to turn black,sounds like the parents want money. I wouldn;t worry about tg things will work

out fine. what happened causing the kid to chip his tooth?

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