Cannot take much more


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Hang in there bud! We're always here to listen! Better you than me, because I probably WOULD have gotten up in his face and really given it to him! LOLI hope things get better QUICK!!!!!!! Do you take the guy hunting? Take him fishing or something sometime, and just have a good ol' boy chit chat!

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Re: Cannot take much more

Keep up the good work with the kids,wtnhunt.Don't worry about"Dad".....he's tring to trick everyone.We are so lucky that our family gets along so well,most of us anyway.I've got a ex-brother-in-law that should be shot.He has a angel for a daughter and he totally left her.He don't even try to see her.Our kids need love....don't really matter who birthed them.We just have to show them love and they are fast to learn it.

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Re: Cannot take much more

By all means, wtnhunt, vent away!

This is an excellent place to do we all have read about the frustration you're experiencing with this entire situation.

You and your wife are doing the right thing, and should be commended and not scrutinized for it. Thankfully, counselors are usually pretty good about seeing through the B.S.

Hang in there, bud and keep us updated on it.

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