Any breaking-in for new muzzleloaders?


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Will do and thanks for the advice. I've heard people out there say how bore butter is animal fat and speak of all this bad stuff that could happen. I can't imagine T/C would tell you something that would ruin their product. I went out and bought all the stuff that was talked about in the DVD that came with it. I'll read the stickies on here though too.



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I own an Omega and was sold Butch's Bore butter, and personally do not like it at all. After cleaning the barrel as prescribed by TC's manual with bore butter, the barrel a week later was so dirty looking it was unbelievable. When I put the gun away it was spotless. so I spoke to a gunsmith and he recommended Remington oil. No problems eversince, and I can clean the rest of my gun with the same product.

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