Now...what you've all been waiting for...


Recommended Posts of my buck!!! :D:D:D

You can see the red spot just to the left of my right ear where the buck finally crashed. :cool:


HCO Field Staffer, Seth Underwood, and I before loading up my buck and just before the Sheriff and GF&P arrived. :D The arrow in him is the second shot I put in him.


Sorry, no pics of us and our law enforcement friends! :D

Dakota :)

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sweeet!!! Congrats buddy!

Why did the Sheriff and GF&P come???

Because is was shot in an urban area (in Gillette city limits), which is legal as long as you have permission to hunt in a specific "yard", and residents saw the buck crash in a vacant lot on the next block over. Everything was perfectly legal. ;)

Dakota :)

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