Oooh, so excited, almost can't bare it!


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This trail camera thing is about as bad as waiting for hunting season, or sititng in your stand not knowing what will walk in! Went out just a little bit ago to get my camera and move it from this one piece of woods surrounded by a peninsula, to the other piece of woods that is more of an island in the fields, and the side of the bank in these woods is torn up with buck scrapes and deer trails, no joke! It's crazy in there! So I have my camera now on a tree where like 3 trails intersect and cross...and there's a scrape up to the left, out of view, and a few huge scrapes out in front, out of view though....but this should be good, can't wait to see what shows up! This is right near where that big buck I saw last week ran into the woods....And get this, while I'm setting up my camera tonight in there...I was hearing branches snapping like crazy, and sw this tree sapling swaying,thinking it was squirrels, finally I look up the hill when I get up and I see the backside of a deer trot up the hill....didn't seem too alarmed...I got scurried out though.

Now I just need to stay out of therel ong enough...oh it is so hard! :bang::clap::flex::)

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