My coyote guns are tested and ready!!


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There's a big coyote hunt (BIG MONEY!!) next weekend and the gang's all registered.

I had my coyote guns out for the old sight in this weekend. First was the .220 Swift, which will get the job of shooting at any 'yotes that may come to the call. I dialed it in at close range with 52 gr. Hornady HPBT Match bullets. Then put the target at 330 yards (300m) and fired a 5-shot group. I had a bad "flier". But the other 4 shots grouped a bit under 2 3/4" hitting 2 inches low at that distance. The group was 5 3/4" counting the bad shot.

Then I patterned out some coarse shot in my BPS 10 ga. I couldn't keep my patterns with BB shot from "blowing". Way, way to sparse. But the #2 shot threw devastating patterns to 60 yards!! The 10 ga. will be my carry gun when I'm a driver on the pushes we will make.

The guns are ready. Hope the 'yotes show up. grin.gif

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