Where do you buy 50lb bag of ice cream salt?


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Funny story

Funny story about water softener salt.

Back in the day we were doing some home improvement type stuff so we rented a dumpster. My step-dad had my friend and I carry the old water softener (still filled with salt and water) out to the dumpster.

Well our house sat up on a hill, so it was easy getting the softener down to the dumpster. We just rolled it. However the dumpster sat about 2 feet off of the ground. I'll be honest here at age 15 we could not lift the sucker into the dumpster.

Logic sat in, and I thought hey why not just dump all the salt out, it will be a lot lighter. That did the trick although I left about 200+ lbs of water softener salt sitting on our grass. Well lets just say 8 years later, the grass still does not grow there and the deer are still hitting it. Not to mention there is about a 2-3 foot deep hole from them digging.

Great little place to watch the deer near our house. I was always worried if the salt contained harmful chemicals that may not be right for deer. Thanks for the posts.

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I read on another forums that people use rock salt and pour grape coolaid over it to make a lick for the deer.They said deer would eat it up within a matter of a few days and they swore by it.It may give the meat a little grape flaver also,who knows.

While we're at it let's just feed tuna mayonnaise... LOL That's a movie quote, gents. NightShift.

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I read on another forums that people use rock salt and pour grape coolaid over it to make a lick for the deer.They said deer would eat it up within a matter of a few days and they swore by it.It may give the meat a little grape flaver also,who knows.

Haha you have me curious now, grape kool aid dry, liquid, with or without sugar haha?

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