What will this 12 pointer score ?????


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  wtnhunt said:
Think that deer makes it into the mid 160's gross as a typical 12. Think the mass is deceiving too. Unless his mass shrunk from 08, he looks to have some pretty good mass to his beams. Looks like the first 2009 pic maybe shows it better than the second one.

Think William is right on.

Unless he has some broken tines he gets an arrow from me. Never know when a car might take him out.

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I'd just like to say that this is a fine example of how deer get bigger with age and how 2 & 3 year olds should be left alone. If everyone in the woods had the patience that guys like you and I have everyone could go right out every deer season and kill a 160" deer. I had a guy tell me the other day that a 2 year old deer that I have been watching would still only be a 6-point this year because whatever they have when they are 2 is all they will ever have. :laser:

I run into this ignorant crapola all the time out here in NC where idiots would rather believe what they here by the wood stove at the corner store than to read an article from Whitetail Journal written by a wildlife biologist. It drives me insane, but I have learned not to argue with these folks, especially the older ones who wouldn't even read an article about antler growth if you showed it to them.

You should be commended for your documentation of the development of this buck over the past 3 years. I can tell you beyond a doubt that he would not have made it through the 2007 season in NC if he had walked out past 99.99999% of the hunters in this state. This is EXACTLY why I would LOVE to have the state pass antler limits and "earn-a-buck" regulations. I'm certain we could increase the number of record-book entries and get on par with the mid-west and western states if we could just stop morons like that from shooting Bambi because they think a 1-year old cowhorn is a 5 year old that should be "weeded-out". Of all the pics this guy had of himself with deer, not a sinlge one was over 110" and his reasoning on antler growth, which is so prevelant in this area, is the reason why. He also had a pic of himself with what he called a "feral pig" that he had shot a few weeks prior. The NCWRC does not regulate feral pigs and so with permission form the county sherriff's office they can be taken year-round. What he doesn't know is that what he actually shot is a wild boar (which is regulated). Also, he shot him at night. On top of all this, he thinks a white tailed buck tops out at 2 years of age.


I think you should start a new thread with "antler progresssion" as the topic. I'm sure there are a few on here that can't tell the difference between a feral pig and a wild boar and could really benfit from the information. Good work being patient!!!


Edited by treeinwalker
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